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'Well, that'll be sharp wark for th' eyes if they're gone to Edale, said Jim, with a laugh. 'Its a good step fro here to Edale. 'Aye, an soom o' 't bad ground, said Reuben uneasily 'vara bad ground. 'Aye, it's not good walkin, neets. If they conno see their way when they get to the top o' t' Downfall, they'll stay theer till it gets mornin, if they've ony sort o' gumption.

Jim was the eldest son of the neighbouring farmer, whose girls were Louie's only companions. He was a full-blooded swaggering youth, with whom David was generally on bad terms. David despised him for an oaf who could neither read nor write, and hated him for a bully. He grinned when Hannah asked him questions about the truants. 'Why, they're gone to Edale, th' yoong rascots, I'll uphowd yo!

He announced on Easter Eve that he was going to a brother in Edale for the Sunday, and gave her the slip.

There's a parcel o' gipsies there tellin fortunes, an lots o' foak ha gone ower there to-day. You may mak your mind up they've gone to Edale. That Louie's a limb, she is. She's got spunk enough to waak to Lunnon if she'd a mind. Oh, they'll be back here soon enough, trust 'em. I shut my door at nine o'clock, said Hannah, grimly. 'Them as cooms after that, may sleep as they can.

David, eagerly watching, tracked him along the path which follows the ridge, and saw the light pause once more close to the Downfall. So far as the boy could see, his uncle made a long stay at a point beyond the stream, the bed of which was just discernible, as a sort of paler streak on the darkness. 'Why, that's about whar th' Edale path cooms in, thought David, wondering.

'But you're not all factory hands here. I see a good many lads I know come from the country from the farms up Kinder or Edale way. Well, I don't know so much about your ways as I do about mills; but I know some, and I can guess some. You are not shut up all day with the roar of the machines in your ears, and the cotton-fluff choking your lungs. You have to live harder, perhaps.