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A few days after the departure of his uncle, Gustave paid a visit to Grinselhof. He was received by Monsieur De Vlierbeck and his daughter with their usual kindness, passed the greater part of an afternoon with them, and went home at nightfall to the château of Echelpoel full of delightful recollections and hopes.

"It is Monsieur Denecker," continued he: "the wealthy merchant, you know, who sits near me at church and lives at the château of Echelpoel." "Oh, yes! I remember him, father; he always speaks to me so kindly, and never fails to help me from the carriage when we go to church." "But your eyes ask, I see, Lenora, whether he is coming alone. Another person will accompany him, my girl!"

"That large, rich gentleman, sir, who sits near you every Sunday at high mass?" "The same, John. Is there any thing surprising in it?" "And young Monsieur Gustave, who spoke to mademoiselle in the churchyard when church was over?" "The same!" "Oh, sir, they are such rich people! They have bought all the land around Echelpoel.

Go now; quit Grinselhof this time without seeing Lenora, for you ought not to meet her until this affair is settled. I will tell her myself whatever I think proper for her to know." Half pleased, half sad, his heart divided between joy and anxiety, Gustave bade farewell to Lenora's father and returned to Echelpoel.