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No wonder that his anxious glance became changed to a look of satisfaction when he perceived that they were moving eastward. "To the east'ard it are, sure enough," said he, "and that be curious too. 'T an't often I've see'd the wind blow from the westward in these latitudes. Only another catspaw in the middle o' the calm.

'We must be off: it may be a dirty night. Sol and Mountclere went on board, and the pier receded in the dusk. 'Shall we have any difficulty in getting into Knollsea Bay? said Mountclere. 'Not if the wind keeps where it is for another hour or two. 'I fancy it is shifting to the east'ard, said Sol. The captain looked as if he had thought the same thing.

The second evenin' the wind freshened from the south'ard and east'ard and drove the fog in shore a bit, and the sun, just before he set, looked like a big yellow ball through the fog and made a sickly kind of a glimmer over the water. They was a-lyin' at anchor, and all of a sudden, right to the wind'ard of 'em, this old ship loomed up, driftin' in with the wind and flood-tide.

That is one thing I have to mention to you, sir; and please to look to the south'ard and east'ard. The black bank gathering there shows that we shall have a very different time of it to what we had yesterday." "Well, Mr Bowse, what would you have us do?" exclaimed the colonel, with rather a puzzled look. "Do you wish us to put back?"

At the same time we are a good way to the east'ard of it, so that when I see the compass with its letter N pointing to what I know to be the magnetic north, I take our geographical position into account and steer almost due east by compass, for the purpose of advancing due north. D'ye see?" "I'm not so sure that I do, father.

"Schunemunk is full of rattlers," Junior said. "Please don't hunt there any more then," I replied. "No, we'll go into the main Highlands to the east'ard next time."

"Do you catch a bit of white there to the east'ard?" the captain continued. "That's your house. Coral built, stands high, verandah you could walk on three abreast; best station in the South Pacific. When old Adams saw it, he took and shook me by the hand. 'I've dropped into a soft thing here, says he. 'So you have, says I, 'and time too! Poor Johnny!

My mate was one o' the lucky ones. One night he came home with a bag o' gold and tumbled it out on the table before me. I had my suspicions that he had not come honestly by it, so would have nothin' to do with it. When I told him so, he put it back into the bag, tied it up, and replaced it in the hide, and went away in a rage. He never came back. There was a storm from the east'ard that night.

Yet I see nothing; although if she had been stranded, either purposely or by accident, her wreck ought to be away in there somewhere about abreast of us. And there are no off-shore dangers, are there?" "The nearest that I know of are The Monks, away out here, some twenty-five miles to the nor'ard and east'ard of us," answered the master.

But agin it, thar's a contrary sarcumstance, in thar bein' two sarts o' Tekeneekas: one harmless and rayther friendly disposed torst white people, t'other bein' jest the revarse 'most as bad as the Ailikoleeps. The bad uns are called Yapoos, an' hev thar squattin' groun' east'ard 'long the channel beyont, whar a passage leads out, knowed as the Murray Narrer.