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We thought you wasn't coming back to your senses no more. You've been a-lyin' there since the middle of the night, and now it's close on to twelve o'clock." Kate lay silent for some little time, putting together all that had occurred. "Oh, Rebecca," she said at last, shivering at the recollection, "I have seen the most dreadful sight. Either I am going mad, or I have seen a ghost."

There ain't a dog that runs the streets that would 'a' done that. She didn't keer then, and she don't keer now, with him a-lyin' dead there. She ain't looked at him once nor shed a tear. It's too late. All hell can't stop me! Out of my way, I tell ye, doctor, or I'll hurt ye!" With a wrench he swung back the doors and flung himself into the light. "Come in, men!

Mis' Pennel was talkin' to me the other day about bleachin' 'em out 'cause they'd got yellow a-lyin'. I kind o' felt as if 'twas unlucky to be a-fittin' out a bride with her dead mother's things, but I didn't like to say nothin'." "Ruey," said Miss Roxy impressively, "I hain't never had but jist one mind about Mara Lincoln's weddin', it's to be, but it won't be the way people think.

'Good God, woman, you are lying! you are lying! 'No, I ain't a-lyin'. She tookt to me the moment she clapped eyes on me; most people does, and them as don't ought, an' she got up an' put her arms round my neck, and she called me "Knocker." 'Called you what? 'Ain't I a-tellin' you? She called me "Knocker"; and that's the very name as she allus called me up to the day of 'er death, pore dear!

The Captain took an angry step into the pantry and gave a roar of command for Bunty to come down. The boy dropped in an agony of dread and shrinking. "Always his hands a-pickin' and stealin' and his tongue a-lyin'," said Martha Tomlinson, gazing unkindly at the unhappy child.

Rosy would steal in now and then like a sweet little shadow, and bend down and kiss her Pa, and cry a little over his thin, white hands which wuz a-lyin' on the coverlet, or else lifted in that strange speech that sounded so curius to us, a-risin' up out of the stillness of a Loontown spare bedroom on a calm moonlit evenin'.

Only if I hadn't 'a' left Pierre a-lyin' there alone. A dog that had onct loved him wouldn't 'a' done that." She sat up again, white and wild. "That's why I must go back. I must surely go. I must! Oh, I must!" "Go back thirty miles through wet snow when you can't walk across the room, Joan?" He smiled pityingly.

If he believes she is truthful and he must, or he wouldn't name her Truth and set her up so high for the nations to look at what makes him, year after year, act towards wimmen as if he believed she wuz a-lyin'? It is onreasonable in him. And then there wuz Abundance, a woman and a man.

But the game's up now, and it's no more use a-lyin'." "Never a truer word spoken," returned Cleek, with a little triumphant smile. "I must admit, your Lordship, that upon that one point I was a little shaky. Borkins has irrefutably proved that my theory was correct. I must say I am indebted to him." Again the little smile looped up one corner of his face.

He give a squiggle and lifted his head; and there was he and his friends a-lyin' on the snow of the high downs." "And the house and the gal?" "Narry a sign of either, sir, but just the sky and the white stretch; and one other thing." "And what was that?" "A stain of red sunk in where the cup had spilt." There was a second pause, and the banjo blew into the bowl of his pipe.