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Jerdon, Dr., on birds dreaming; on the pugnacity of the male bulbul; on the pugnacity of the male Ortygornis gularis; on the spurs of Galloperdix; on the habits of Lobivanellus; on the spoonbill; on the drumming of the Kalij-pheasant; on Indian bustards; on Otis bengalensis; on the ear-tufts of Sypheotides auritus; on the double moults of certain birds; on the moulting of the honeysuckers; on the moulting of bustards, plovers, and drongos; on the spring change of colour in some finches; on display in male birds; on the display of the under-tail coverts by the male bulbul; on the Indian honey-buzzard; on sexual differences in the colour of the eyes of hornbills; on the markings of the Tragopan pheasant; on the nidification of the Orioles; on the nidification of the hornbills; on the Sultan yellow-tit; on Palaeornis javanicus; on the immature plumage of birds; on representative species of birds; on the habits of Turnix; on the continued increase of beauty of the peacock; on coloration in the genus Palaeornis.

Sympathy, among animals; its supposed basis. Sympathies, gradual widening of. Syngnathous fishes, abdominal pouch in male. Sypheotides auritus, acuminated primaries of the male; ear-tufts of. Tabanidae, habits of. Tadorna variegata, sexes and young of. Tadorna vulpanser. Tahitians, compression of the nose by the.

That same night Solomon Owl hunted for it for a long time. But he never found it. He decided not to hang out another, for he saw that settling disputes was a dangerous business. Solomon Owl had a small cousin named Simon Screecher. He was unlike Solomon in some respects, because he always wore ear-tufts, and his eyes were yellow instead of black.

As I lay there the red sun went down over the spruce swamp west of the plain, and a shorelark on a gopher mound a few yards off twittered his evening song, just as one had done the night before at our shanty door, and though the numb pains were creeping up my arm, and a deadly chill possessed me, I noticed how long his little ear-tufts were.

If you had happened to catch Solomon Owl resting among the thick hemlocks near the foot of Blue Mountain, where he lived, you would have thought that he looked strangely like a human being. He had nohorns,” or ear-tufts, such as some of the other owls wore; and his great pale face, with its black eyes, made him seem very wise and solemn.

He had, as his name implied, long ear-tufts that stood up very straight over his yellow eyes, and thick tawny stockings on his feet and legs. He was finely mottled above with brown, black, and dark orange, had long brown streaks on his buff breast, and dark-brown bands on his wings and tail. He gave a hoot and spoke very quickly. "I'm a good Citizen, too.

But he hesitated a moment before calling upon the Great Horned Owl, as if he himself doubted the honesty of this savage bird. He was large, nearly two feet high, with very long ear-tufts and great staring yellow eyes in the middle of his large flat face.

In judging a cat the quality and quantity of its fur is the first thing considered. In a long-haired cat this includes the "lord mayor's chain," or frill, the tail, and, most important of all, the ear-tufts. The tufts between the toes and the flexibility of the tail are other important points. The shape of head, eyes, and body are also carefully noted.

The white tips, together with the small white ear-tufts, certainly add, as the Duke of Argyll admits, to the beauty of the male; and whiteness is apparently appreciated by other birds, as may be inferred from such cases as the snow-white male of the Bell-bird.

Yet it was in very fine feather and beautiful to look at with its long, black ear-tufts and round, orange-yellow eyes, which would never lose their fiery lustre until glazed in death. Caleb's first thought on seeing it closely was that it would have been a prize to anyone who liked to have a handsome bird stuffed in a glass case.