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Though Lebeziatnikov was so good-natured, he, too, was beginning to dislike Pyotr Petrovitch. This happened on both sides unconsciously. However simple Andrey Semyonovitch might be, he began to see that Pyotr Petrovitch was duping him and secretly despising him, and that "he was not the right sort of man."

Chadron shook his head with an air of serious concern. There was a look of commiseration in his eyes for her credulity, and shameful duping by the cunning word of Alan Macdonald. "That's one of Macdonald's lies," he said, something so hard and bitter in his voice when he pronounced that name that she shuddered. "I never heard of anybody named Thorn, here or anywheres else.

So far as he had discovered, the Indian possessed neither knife nor pistol; but nevertheless Wolf feared him, and the more he realized the danger he had incurred in duping his assistants in smuggling, and how much he was really in the power of his giant-framed partner, the more his fears grew. It may be thought it was conscience working in him; but it was not, for such as he have none.

My answer is, for the sole purpose of inducing my brother freeholders and fellow-countrymen of Somersetshire to look into their own affairs, instead of trusting to those persons who were duping and plundering them. In the neighbourhood of Chard we called upon Mr.

Elphège, my old protégé. Can it be any of his people! What is the appearance of this fellow?" "He is about middle height, cheerful, graceful, hair and eyes black." "It is that well-looking boy of Lecour's no other. His father would kill himself if he heard of his son duping the highest circles of Versailles. Poor man, he was the least of the very least when I knew him first a private in my corps.

No; I see you leading senates, and duping fools. I shall be by your side, your partner, step after step, as you mount the height, for I am ambitious, you know, William; and not less because I love, rather ten thousand times more so. I would not have you born great and noble, for what then could we look to, what use all my schemes, and my plans, and aspirings?

Which thou concealest, forces mine from me. Know, then, they are duping thee! a most foul game With thee and with us all nay, hear me calmly The duke even now is playing. He assumes The mask, as if he would forsake the army; And in this moment makes he preparations That army from the emperor to steal, And carry it over to the enemy!

She stipulated also that if she became a mother in the course of a year the child should be hers in the event of our separating. On these conditions she would become my mistress, and would have for me all possible love and kindness. This proposal, cleverly conceived, but foolishly communicated to me, shewed me that Veronique had not the talent of duping others.

It has been said maliciously that this great man enriched himself by cheating his publishers; whereas the fact was that he fared no better than any other author, and instead of duping them was often their dupe. The Cramers must be excepted, whose fortune he made.

It is not necessary to add that the proprietors of these edifying works never reclaimed them. The opinions are divided here, whether this curious discovery originated in the malice of Fouche, or whether Talleyrand took this method of duping his rival, and at the same time of gratifying his own malignity.