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As a refrain to every argument there seemed to go jeering and sneering through my brain Schiller's famous line: "Against stupidity the gods themselves fight in vain." "Mit der Dummheit kampfen Gotter selbst vergebens." Jungfrau von Orleans, Act III, scene 6. There seemed no possibility even of SUSPENDING the judgment of the great majority who saw the statue.

But argument there was on it, by persons capable and willing, more than one: and in result this surprising brand-new London moon-calf of a MATINEES was smitten through, and slit in pieces, for the fifth time, as if that could have hurt it much! "MIT DER DUMMHEIT," sings Schiller; "Human Stupidity is stronger than the very Gods."

The prestige of good is stupendous. We are all hypnotized by it; and the reason we are slow in realizing the ideal is, not that we are evil, but that we are stupid. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1916. "Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens" no one had a better right to say that than a German poet.

'If it be His mighty will that we should tak' it, then shall we enter into it, yea, though drakes and sakers lay as thick as cobblestanes in the streets. 'Aye! aye! On to Bristol! God with us! cried several of the Puritans excitedly. 'But it is madness dummheit utter foolishness, Buyse broke in hotly. 'You have the chance and you will not take it.

"I have deferred my service until I have done my thesis," said Herr Heinrich. "Now all that will be Piff! And my thesis three-quarters finished." "That is serious," said Teddy. "Verdammte Dummheit!" said Herr Heinrich. "Why do they do such things?"

He practiced for hours daily. He often took Mizzi to the park and came back storming about the dirt, the noise, the haste, the rudeness, the crowds, the mismanagement of the entire city. Dummheit, he called it. They profaned the lake. They allowed the people to trample the grass. They threw papers and banana skins about. And they wasted!

Scotch Liberals will not give up Carlyle, one of his biographers keenly asseverating that he was to the last "a democrat at heart"; while the representative organ of northern Conservatism on the same ground continues to assail him "mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens."

He waved his hand in compliment to Billy's youth, then continued, with increasing energy, "But when I find what dummheit I have done how I have so rudely addressed the young Fräulein with you, and have used my fists upon you, even to the point of hurling you upon the street I have no words for my shame." "Oh, it wasn't exactly a hurl," Billy easily amended.

"SO 'NE DUMMHEIT, SO 'NE DUMMHEIT!" she mumbled, as, between them, they got Louise up the stairs; and she treated Maurice's advice concerning cordials and hot drinks with scant courtesy. "JA, JA JAWOHL!" she sniffed. And, on the landing, the door was shut in his face. What she needed, what she had always needed, was a friend, he said to himself.

The following quotations will suffice to demonstrate the inadequacy of the revision: ORIGINAL I, p. 6: Well, you may take my word that nine parts in ten of a man’s sense or his nonsense, P. 5: Gut, ich gebe euch mein Wort, dass neun unter zehnmal eines jeden Witz oder Dummheit. P. 7: The minutest philosophers. “Die strengsten Philosophenremains unchanged in second edition.