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After asking a few friends to sign an article of agreement to pay one dollar a year during five years for the orphan asylum, and mailing a couple of letters to Levi Coffin and Rev. E. M. Cravath, of Cincinnati, I took from the office a drop-letter from Mr.

The hurry and rush of letters! men up to their chin in letters! nothing but letters everywhere! the air full of letters! suddenly the clock strikes; not a person is to be seen, nor a letter: only one man with a lantern peering about and putting one drop-letter into a box."

One morning Paul found a drop-letter in the mail which greeted him daily. It ran as follows: DEAR OLD BOY: Don't forget the reception tomorrow. Some one will be here whom I wish you to know. Most affectionately, The "tomorrow" referred to was the very day on which Paul received the sweet reminder. The reception of the message somewhat disturbed his customary routine.

She was not afraid of any one finding it in her possession, except her husband. So she wore it proudly day after day. One morning, about ten days after the departure of "Mr. Scott," the postman left a letter for her. It was a drop-letter. She opened it and read. It was without date or signature, and merely contained these lines: "Business detains me from you longer than I had expected to stay.