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But mibby if there was a noo licence or twa doon aboot the shore, there micht be mair traffik i' the herbir. The trustees wud mibby need to chairge shore dues on lads 'at was landit on the kee noo-an'-than. They cud be shedild as live stock, altho' they were half-deid wi' drink an' droonin' thegither. An' noo a wird or twa aboot "

"Ye ill-designed villains!" cried he at a venture, "what gart ye close the sluice? I s' learn ye to min' what ye're aboot. Deil tak' ye for rascals!" And he seized one in each brawny hand. "Annie Anderson was droonin' aneath the waste-water," answered Curly promptly. "The Lord preserve 's!" said the miller, relaxing his hold "Hoo was that? Did she fa' in?" The boys told him the whole story.

"Help, help!" he screamed, when he got above the surface again, spluttering out words and water together; "I'm droonin', mon help, mon, help!" I could hear him distinctly from my being to leeward, and as I was much nearer to him now, I cried out again to encourage him "Hold on, Mr Macdougall! I'll be with you in a minute!"

So then, to mak a lang story short, in place o' jumpin into the Clyde, I hied me to a tavern, ate as hearty a supper as ever I ate in my life, drank a guid, steeve tumbler o' toddy, tumbled into bed, sleepit as sound as a caterpillar in winter, an' awoke next mornin as fresh as a daisy an' as licht as a lark, free frae a' concern aboot Lucy, an' perfectly satisfied that I had acted quite richt in no droonin mysel on the previous nicht.

With a curse caught from her husband, she struck him from the window, crying, "Ye s' no come in here, an' my man droonin' yon'er! Gang till 'im, ye cooard!" Never had poor Gibbie so much missed the use of speech. On the slope of the roof he could do little to force an entrance, therefore threw himself off it to seek another, and betook himself to the windows below.

"'She'll be fillin' aft, says Bell; 'for why is she down by the stern? The tail-shaft's punched a hole in her, an' we 've no boats. There's three hunder thousand pound sterlin', at a conservative estimate, droonin' before our eyes. What's to do? An' his bearin's got hot again in a minute: he was an incontinent man. "'Run her as near as ye daur, I said.

"O Lord," she said in her great trusting heart, "gien my bonny man be droonin' i' the watter, or deein' o' cauld on the hill-side, haud 's han'. Binna far frae him, O Lord; dinna lat him be fleyt." To Janet, what we call life and death were comparatively small matters, but she was very tender over suffering and fear.