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"'I never wrote those letters, your Honour, persisted the accused quietly, 'they are not in my handwriting. "'Which we can easily prove, came in Sir Arthur Inglewood's drawly tones, as he handed up a packet to his Honour; 'here are a number of letters written by my client since he has landed in this country, and some of which were written under my very eyes.

I admit that this is a purty easy-goin' place, they don't even ask where a man comes from when they take him on, but I've been here off an' on for some time, an' I reckon that the boss is able to figger out whether or not I've been worth what I cost." "Yes," sez Andrews, slow an' drawly, "the boss or his daughter."

They generly had on yellow straw hats most as wide as an umbrella, but didn't wear no coats nor waistcoats, they called one another Bill, and Buck, and Hank, and Joe, and Andy, and talked lazy and drawly, and used considerable many cuss words.

But Chauvelin now would not allow himself to be ruffled by Sir Percy's apparent indifference. Keen reader of emotions as he was, he had not failed to note a distinct change in the drawly voice, a sound of something hard and trenchant in the flippant laugh, ever since Marguerite's name was first mentioned.

Percy! . . ." "It's all very well calling me, m'dear!" said the same sleepy, drawly voice, "but odd's life, I cannot come to you: those demmed frog-eaters have trussed me like a goose on a spit, and I am weak as a mouse . . . I cannot get away." And still Marguerite did not understand.

"Even at this moment, when the Siberian millionaire's neck literally and metaphorically hung in the balance, an expectant titter went round the fair spectators as Sir Arthur stretched out his long loose limbs and lounged across the table. He waited to make his effect Sir Arthur is a born actor and there is no doubt that he made it, when in his slowest, most drawly tones he said quietly;

Fur all of her being so gentle and easy and talking with one of them soft, drawly kind of voices, Martha says, no one had ever dared to ast her about herself, though they was a lot of women in that town that was wishful to. But Martha said she knowed what Miss Hampton's secret was, and she hadn't told no one, neither.

Gounod, in his low and drawly voice, said: "Vous nous donnez, mon cher Auber, des choses par trop ennuyeuses aux concerts du Conservatoire. A la pensee des 'Quatre saisons' de Haydn je m'endors. Pourquoi ne s'est-il pas contente d'une saison?" Princess Metternich replied, "Que probablement en les composant Haydn s'est mis en quatre."

We took up our ridin' again, an' just as I was gettin' used to it, along comes a feller lookin' about two thirds starved. He put in an application as cook for the home gang. Ol' Cast Steel looked into him: examined his eyes, his hands, an' the way he carried his head. Then he spoke kind o' slow an' drawly. "Cook?" sez he.

But she had not time even to do that, for the next moment Blakeney quietly walked to the table, and, jovially clapped the CURE on the back, said in his own drawly, affected way, "Odds's fish! . . . er . . . M. Chauvelin. . . . I vow I never thought of meeting you here." Chauvelin, who had been in the very act of conveying soup to his mouth, fairly choked.