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"Zaida the peace of God be upon thee," he said, and gazed lovingly yet sadly upon her, for she had greatly changed. "And upon thee peace, Mahommed," she answered, and sat upon the floor, her head upon her breast. "Thou hast trouble at," he said, and put some cakes of dourha and a meated cucumber beside her. She touched the food with her fingers, but did not eat.

"Zaida the peace of God be upon thee," he said, and gazed lovingly yet sadly upon her, for she had greatly changed. "And upon thee peace, Mahommed," she answered, and sat upon the floor, her head upon her breast. "Thou hast trouble at," he said, and put some cakes of dourha and a meated cucumber beside her. She touched the food with her fingers, but did not eat.

On his way home he had seen before the houses and cafes silent Mussulmans with cigarettes and matches in their fingers, cooks with their hands on the lids of the cooking pots, where the dourha and onions boiled; but here outside his own doorway there was no odour, and there was silence within.

Hasn't he enough food for a long siege? He goes himself to the tribes that have stored food in their cities, and haven't yet declared against him, and he puts a hand on their hard hearts, and takes the sulkiness out of their eyes, and a fleet of ghiassas comes down to us loaded with dourha. The defences of this place are nothing.

To-day I found a dead-un hid in an oven under a heap of flour to be used for to-morrow's baking; I found another doubled up in a cupboard, and another under a pile of dourha which will be ground into flour." "With twenty ghaffirs I beat five cane and dourha fields this morning," said Dicky. "Found three cases. They'd been taken out of the village during the night." "Bad ones?" "So so.

"And the cakes of dourha! I will give her as a parting gift the twenty slaves, and she shall bring her great work to a close in the arms of a slaver. It is worth a fortune." "It is worth exactly ten thousand pounds to your Highness ten thousand pounds neither more nor less." Ismail questioned. "Kingsley Bey would make last tribute of thus much to your Highness."

Putting a hand in his saddle-bag, he drew out a cake of dourha bread and some onions for he made shift to live as the people lived, lest he should be caught unawares some time, and die of the remembrance of too much luxury in the midst of frugal fare. "Plenty be in your home, Mahommed!" he said, and held out the bread and onions.

So they moved towards the houses over the way. One cursed his woman for wailing in the doorway; one snatched the lid from a cooking-pot; one drew from an oven cakes of dourha, and gave them to those who had none; one knelt and bowed his forehead to the ground in prayer; one shouted the name of him whose coming they desired. So was David missed in Egypt.

Near by the fellah worked in his onion-field; and on the khiassas loaded with feddan at the shore, just out of the current, and tied up for the night, sat the riverine folk eating their dourha and drinking black coffee. Now Dimsdale noticed that, nearer still, just below the Sefi, on the shore, sat a singing-girl, an a'l'meh, with a darkfaced Arab beside her, a kemengeh in his lap.

Along the bank of the Nile thousands of Arabs and fellaheen crowded to welcome "the Saadat," bringing gifts of dates and eggs and fowls and dourha and sweetmeats, and linen cloth; and even in the darkness and in the trouble that was on her, and the harrowing regret that she had not been with Eglington in his last hour she little knew what Eglington had said to Faith in that last hour Hylda's heart was soothed by the long, loud tribute paid to David.