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Then he went over and lost a two-bit piece on the double-o, and laughed heartily over the occurrence, saying it was undeniably piquant with old Proctor plunging ten cents on the red and losing it quick, and saying a fool and his money was soon parted yes, and I wish I had as much money as that old crook ain't foolish; but no matter.

The crew, with set, white faces and staring eyes fixed on each other's backs, responded like heroes, but Double-O Gerrard was obviously tiring and the First Lieutenant's breath was coming in sobs. They were pulling themselves out. The roar of voices on either side of the course surged in their ears like the sound of a waterfall.

No fatheads wanted. Enough said." The Gunnery Lieutenant looked up from a game of draughts with Double-O Gerrard, the Assistant Paymaster. "Who've you got dining with you, Jimmy?" he asked. The introduction of "new blood" into a Mess, even for the evening, is generally a matter of interest to the inmates. "An old uncle of mine," was the reply.

There's just no way you can get over that though everybody knows those big cars can be made to hold two or three tons." "Yes, I suppose they might," said the other. "And if you get the smallest piece of rock in, you get a 'double-O, sure as fate; and sometimes they say you got rock in when you didn't. There's no law to make them prove it." "No, I suppose not."

Now, Matt, I've always done the hiring and firing for the Blue Star Navigation Company, and as a result I've had blamed little of it to do, considering the size of our fleet; consequently I'll just give these two Harps the Double-O. Have Murphy and Reardon at the office at nine o'clock to-morrow morning and I'll read them the riot act before turning them to."

She laughed merrily. "You pay a pretty compliment, Mr. Gerrard!" "Double-O" Gerrard reddened and lapsed into bashful silence. "It is agreed, then. We are to have a children's party, and I may come. Won't the children be excited!" "Torps, what are you going to do with them," asked the First Lieutenant, "besides breaking their necks by pushing them down the windsails?"

Now she stakes a dollar on No. 33 alone, and when it comes double-o she cries out that the man had leaned his hand on the edge of the table while the ball was rolling and thereby mushed up her cosmic vibrations, even if he didn't do something a good deal more crooked. Then she switches to No. 22, and that wins.

He was the Captain's Clerk: that is to say, the junior accountant officer, detailed by the Captain to conduct his official correspondence and perform secretarial work generally. The position is not one commonly sought after, but Double-O Gerrard appeared to enjoy his duties, and as a badge of office carried a perpetual inkstain on the forefinger-tip of his right hand.

Then they played "Hunt the slipper," at which Torps, with his long arms, greatly distinguished himself, and "Hide the thimble," at which Double-O Gerrard, blinking through his glasses straight at the quarry without seeing it, was hopelessly disgraced.

'Another-Little-Drink-Won't-Do-Us-Any-Harm' sort of spirit." "We shan't start at all if Double-O Gerrard doesn't find that blessed boat-hook an' shove her off soon," retorted the long, lean third bow, speaking for the first time. "I can't see without my glasses," complained the bow, fumbling among the blades of the oars. "Where is the bloomin' thing? Ah, here we are!"