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The kid stacked the deck on you. But I ain't a-goin' to see you do him harm fer it." "Herky's right, boss," put in Bill, "thar's no sense in addin' murder to this mess. Strikes me you're in bad enough." "So thet's your game? You're double-crossin' me now all on a chance at kidnappin' for ransom money. Well, I'm through with the kid an' all of you. Take thet from me!"

I don't need to tell you that I'm for you." "No, not after tonight," Billy assured him. They went on again for some little time without speaking, then Billy said: "I got two things to tell you. The first is that after I seen that newspaper article in your clothes I thought you was figurin' on double-crossin' me an' claimin' the five hun. I ought to of known better.

"Buster Jack's outbusted himself this time, sure," soliloquized Wade. "He's double-crossin' his rustler friends, same as he is Moore. For he's goin' to blame this cattle-stealin' onto Wils. An' to do that he's layin' his tracks so he can follow them, or so any good trailer can. It doesn't concern me so much now who're his pards in this deal. Reckon it's Smith an' some of his gang."

Let me outline two of the many possibilities: If I don't bail you out, I'm doin' you dirt, ain't I? Well, then, if Zurich & Gang think I'm double-crossin' you they'll make me a proposition to throw in with them and throw you down on the copper mine. That's my best chance to find out how to keep you from goin' to the pen, isn't it?

"It's just driftin' into my head, sort of misty," murmured Andrew, "that you've been thinkin' about double-crossin' me." "Suppose," said the marshal, "I was to ride into Martindale with you in front of me. That'd make a pretty good picture, Andy. Allister dead, and you taken alive. Not to speak of ten thousand I dollars as a background. That would sort of round off my work.

"Son, I'm double-crossin' the boss, right this minnit!" whispered Holley, hoarsely. "An' the same time I'm playin' Lucy's game. If Bostil finds out he'll kill me. I mustn't be ketched up here. But I won't lose track of you wherever you go." Holley slipped away stealthily in the dusk, leaving Slone with a throbbing heart. "Wherever you go!" he echoed. "Ah! I forgot! I can't stay here."

He's out-ridden me, out-shot me, out-gamed me, out-lucked me, out-guessed me and taken Sally. He's mine. He b'longs all to me. D'you see that?" "I'm only seein' one thing just now." "I know. You think I'm double-crossin' you. Maybe I am, but I'm desperate, Glendin." "After all," mused the deputy, "you'd be simply doin' work I'd have to do later. You're right about this Bard.

An' he up an' said he wouldn't give a two-bit piece fer my life. I asked him why. "'You're double-crossin' the boss an' Chess, he said. "'Jack, what 'd you give fer your own life? I asked him. "He straightened up surprised an' mean-lookin'. An' I let him have it, plumb center! He wilted, an' the greasers run. I reckon I'll never sleep again. But I had to do it."

And if it's some dirty work he's up to, he coulda made it shorter than what he's doin'. An' if he's double-crossin' Casey Ryan well, anyway, Casey Ryan 'll be present at the time an' place when he does it!" Upon that comforting thought, Casey decided to trust Mack Nolan until he caught him playing crooked; and proceeded to kill time as best he could.

With one lunge he knocked Riggs flat, then stood over him with a convulsive hand at his gun. "You white-livered card-sharp! I've a notion to bore you.... They told me you had a deal of your own, an' now I believe it." "Yes I had," replied Riggs, cautiously getting up. He was ghastly. "But I wasn't double-crossin' you.