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When, therefore, it is considered that, after Rothe had given his views on veracity to the world, Dorner wrote on the same subject, as the very last work of his maturest life, a special interest attaches to his views on this mooted question. And Dorner is diametrically opposed to Rothe in this thing.

No American of our day had such a vast personal acquaintance with celebrated people. Dr. Schaff was the intimate friend of Tholuck, Neander, Godet, Hengstenberg, and Dorner; he was one day in familiar conversation with Dean Stanley in the Abbey and another day with Gladstone; another day with Dollinger in Vienna, and another day with Dr. Pusey at Oxford.

That same evening, when Director Hellmut was sitting in the living room with his daughter, he spoke of his hope that a cousin of his, Miss Kitty Dorner, would come to stay in Iller-Stream while he was on his trip to Vienna. He also told Cornelli to be glad of this prospect. After a few days came the following answer: B , The 4th of May, 18 .

According to Dorner, the evangelical theologian, the Brethren helped to save the Protestant faith from ruin. "When other Churches," says Dorner, "were sunk in sleep, when darkness was almost everywhere, it was she, the humble priestess of the sanctuary, who fed the sacred flame." Between two such doctors of divinity who shall judge? But perhaps the philosopher, Kant, will be able to help us.

He tried with all his might to be entertaining when they met at table; but he always had to glance at his little girl, who sat at her place dumb and seemingly afraid even to glance about her. A deep shadow always came across his features, and one could see that it was hard for him to mingle in the general conversation. Miss Dorner at last had enough of his unfriendly attitude.

Meanwhile, Miss Mina had carried away the sweets and was putting the fruit course on the table. "It seems to me that Cornelli does not care if she comes to table a whole hour late," said Miss Dorner. "Nothing is to be kept warm for her, for she does not seem to have learned yet how to respect time and order. She had better learn it soon." Mina went out to sit down for her dinner.

"No, no, child; that would look too dreadful. Just imagine it! But don't get sad on account of that," Esther consoled her. "Just jump around as before! Your hair can always be put in order again. Why haven't you come into the kitchen lately to see if things taste right?" "I am not allowed to; Miss Dorner says that is bad manners," Cornelli informed her. "Oh, I see! Well, you might do worse things.

Dorner, the great Lutheran divine, gives you about two pages and a half of close print for a single sentence awful work, worse than my English!... But I know that if I read less, and thought more, it would be better. Only it is such hard work thinking, and I am so lazy! "Yes, my boy, brain work takes it out of you."

Oh dear, I have just remembered that I have to be back now and drink some hot coffee and milk, because Miss Dorner says that the afternoons are so frightfully long in the country they have to be interrupted. At that time I always used to get from the garden some apples or cherries or whatever else there was, and they always tasted so awfully good.

"So you have come again," said Miss Dorner, who had just settled down, too. "A well brought up child should at least say good evening when she enters the room after a long absence." "Good evening," said Cornelli, after which she finished her soup with unusual haste. "Where do you come from after all this time?" asked the cousin. "From the garden," was the reply.