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He thinks hissen the Grand Turk, he do, since they gi'en him his uniform, and made him full keeper. A nassty, domineerin' sort, I calls him. He's allus makin' bad blood wi' the yoong fellers when he don't need. It's the way he's got wi' 'im. But I don't make no account of 'im, an' I let 'im see 't." All the tea-party grinned except Mrs. Hurd.

It's the English. Shure, they're the consatedest people in the whole worrld. An' now, thin, who's the wisest people in the worrld?" "The Americans," said Franklin promptly again. "Wrong agin. It's thim same d d domineerin' idjits, the yally-headed subjecks o' the Widdy. An' pfwhy are they wise?" "You'll have to tell," said Franklin. "Then I'll till ye.

"'An' if you-all wakes him, says Jennie to Dave, sort o' domineerin' at him with her forefinger, 'he'll be sick; an' if he gets sick, he'll die; an' if he dies, you'll be a murderer the heartless deestroyer of your own he'pless offspring, which awful deed I sometimes thinks you're p'intin' out to pull off. An' then Jennie would put her apron over her head an' shed tears a heap; while Dave all harrowed up an' onstrung would come stampedin' down to the Red Light an' get consolation from Black Jack by the quart.

I suppose probably Maxine Elliott is better-looking than what you are, maybe, but I always was crazy over your kind of girl blond hair and nice, clear eyes and just shoulder-high kind of a girl that could snuggle down beside a fireplace and look like she grew there not one of these domineerin' sufferin' cats females.

"'But my grandfather keeps on prevailin' along in them views ontil he jest conquers his county an' carries her for Jackson. Shore! he has trouble at the polls, an' trouble in the conventions. But he persists; an' he's that domineerin' an' dogmatic they at last not only gives him his way, but comes rackin' along with him.

"Der's an end to all our 'joyment," sighed Chloe, grown more weighty in flesh; "de Lord knows what's going to become of us an' all her host o' bad niggers mixin' in wid our'n, and she domineerin' ober eberyting. O, it's an orful bad day for us, sure! An', then, that hateful boy o' her'n he's worse 'an pizen, notstan'ing his slick, ile-y ways 'tween him an' her we'll stan' mighty slim chance.

On the cars was a he-lookin female, with a green-cotton umbreller in one hand and a handful of Reform tracks in the other. She sed every woman should have a Spear. Them as didn't demand their Spears, didn't know what was good for them. "What is my Spear?" she axed, addressing the people in the cars. "Is it to stay at home & darn stockins & be the ser-LAVE of a domineerin man?

"'You-all can't ring in Mexicans an' snake no play on us. This yere 'lection's goin' to be on the squar', or it's goin' to come off in the smoke." "'With this, Red River, who's been sorter domineerin' at Ormsby with his six-shooter while he's freein' his mind, slams her loose. Red River over-shoots, an' Ormsby downs him with a bullet in his laig. "'Thirteen for Old Monroe," says Ormsby.

I'm fer abolition an' I've stood your domineerin', nigger-driver ways long enough fer one mornin'. If you don't like it you can look for another man." Aunt Deel and I began to laugh at this good-natured, make-believe scolding of Uncle Peabody and the emotional strain was over.

It kind o' shears 'em o' their strength; tames their sperits; takes the sting out of 'em an' keeps 'em from bein' sassy an' domineerin'. Jest as long as they think marriage is right, they'll marry ye spite of anything ye can do or say four of 'em married my father one after another, though he fit 'em off as hard as he knew how.