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The later Romans seem to have procured their iron-ore from the island of Elba and Spain, Gaul, and other provinces, and to have imported ware of all kinds, especially the finer sorts, from various parts of the Empire; the commoner kinds, such as the dolia or large vessels for storing wine and oil, were certainly made in Rome in the second century B.C., for Cato in his book on agriculture remarks that they could be best procured there.

Peter's, the Vatican, the Castle of St. Angelo, the Tiber with its great bends and many bridges, and to lonely, far-away Soracte; westward, on the other side of the river, rose the Janiculum with its close-wedged houses, grade on grade, and on its summit the church of San Pietro in Montorio and the flashing cataract of the Acqua Paola fountain, the stone-pines of the Villa Dolia cresting the ridge above; eastward, the Palatine, a world of ruins in a world of gardens, lay between us and the Coliseum, and over them and the wall, the aqueducts, the plain, the eye ranged to the snow-capped Sabine Hills, on whose many-colored declivities tiny white towns were dotted like browsing sheep; southward, we gazed down upon the Pyramid of Cestius, upon the beautiful Protestant cemetery with its white monuments and dark cypresses where lie Shelley and Keats, upon the stately Porta San Paolo, a great mediæval gateway flanked with towers, and beyond, the Campagna, purple, violet, ultramarine, oceanic, rolling out toward the Alban Hills, which glittered with snow, rising sharply like island-peaks and sloping down like promontories into the plain; and over all the sun and sky and shadows of Italy.

DOÑA MATILDE. Todo el dedo meñique. DON EDUARDO. ¡Qué desgracia! DOÑA MATILDE. No es eso lo peor, sino que como me dolía solté la chocolatera, y.... DON EDUARDO. ¿Y se habrá apagado el fuego? DOÑA MATILDE. Completamente. DON EDUARDO. ¡Cómo ha de ser! En encendiéndola otra vez.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Otra vez! DON EDUARDO. Aquí tengo las dos onzas restantes....