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"'Tis seven mile good by the nigh way from Beacon Hill to Wydcombe; and I was dog-tired, and hungry, and that shamed I stopped a half-hour on the bridge over Proud's mill-head, wishing to throw myself in and ha' done with it, but couldn't bring my mind to that, and so went on, and got to Wydcombe just as they was going to bed.

But it was fully twenty minutes after the girls had begun their meal before two pillars of smoke rose from South Peak as a sign that over there, too, the meal was ready. "What a shame that we've got to waste a whole hour eating!" said Dolly. "I don't call it waste. I'm dog-tired," said Margery. "I'm mighty glad to sit down and rest, and I'm mighty hungry, too." "So'm I," said Bessie.

Toward the foot of Jersey came another courier. "Yes, sir. On toward New Creek. General Jackson says, 'Press forward!" The Stonewall Brigade tried to obey, and somewhat dismally failed. How could it quicken step again? Night was coming, the snow was falling, everybody was sick at heart, hobbling, limping, dog-tired.

Why did I let you go? Come back! Oh, please come back!" It was late that night when Hilliard reached Rusty, traveling with all his young strength across the easy, polished surface of the world. He was dog-tired. He went first to the saloon. Then to the post-office. To his astonishment he found a letter. It was postmarked New York and he recognized the small, cramped hand of the family lawyer.

I tell you I was dog-tired them days, lyin' in my berth, hearin' the rats and mice scuttle round the bulkheads and skitter over the floor. I couldn't do nothin', and finally I bethought myself of Hetty's Bible and contrived to get it out o' my chist, and when I could get a bit of a glim I'd read it.

I wanted to demur, difficult as it was to find any acceptable excuse, but his manner was so friendly, his offer seemed so sincere, that I felt my resolution wavering. He had a winning personality, this frank, handsome boy. And I was so dog-tired! He perceived my reluctance but also my indecision. "We'll go to any hotel you like," he said brightly.

So we dug and dug with the case-knives till most midnight; and then we was dog-tired, and our hands was blistered, and yet you couldn't see we'd done anything hardly. At last I says: "This ain't no thirty-seven year job; this is a thirty-eight year job, Tom Sawyer." He never said nothing.

"Dog-tired we are and starved," said Bland, heavily. "Who's here with you?" "That's Euchre on the porch. Duane is inside at the window with Jen," replied Mrs. Bland. "Duane!" he exclaimed. Then he whispered low something Duane could not catch. "Why, I asked him to come," said the chief's wife. She spoke easily and naturally and made no change in tone. "Jen has been ailing.

Of course there would be nasty questions to-morrow; Theodore would look grave, and Ada would be virtuously sour, and his mother but perhaps they would not worry her by disclosing such things. Unaccustomed to express himself with violence, Christopher at about half-past twelve found some relief in a timid phrase or two of swearing. When he reached Shaftesbury Avenue he was dog-tired.

But these Honour exams take it out of one. And I have to go to Winchester to-morrow." "For the scholarship?" He nodded. "Father! you work a great deal too hard you look dog-tired!" cried Nora in distress. "Why do you do so much?" He shook his head sadly. "You know, darling." Nora did know.