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"She's the Poetry o' Motion! She's the Angel's Dream. She's " He shut off steam, and the slope being against her, the car slid soberly downhill again. "What's this? I've got the brake on!" he yelled. "It doesn't hold backwards," I said. "Put her on the mid-link." "That's a nasty one for the chief engineer o' the Djinn, 31-knot, T.B.D.," said Pyecroft. "Do you know what the mid-link is, Hinch?"

The prince was certainly not the least curious among them; but he was a cautious young man, and, as he prepared to open the chest himself, he bade all but a few stand back, and these few to draw their swords, so as to be prepared in case the chest should hold some evil beast, or djinn, or giant.

A stone's throw out on either hand From that well-ordered road we tread, And all the world is wild and strange; Churel and ghoul and Djinn and sprite Shall bear us company to-night, For we have reached the Oldest Land Wherein the Powers of Darkness range. From the Dusk to the Dawn.

Professor Spence lay and counted the drops as they fell from a knot hole in the veranda roof one small drop two medium-sized drops one big drop as if some unseen djinn were measuring them out in ruthless monotony. He counted the drops until his brain felt soggy and he began to speculate upon what Aunt Caroline would think of fried eggs for luncheon.

Quickly recovering themselves, however, they applauded rapturously; while Garrofat pulled a sour smile and said, "Djinn or Genie, by Allah, thou art wonderful. Now that you have shown such amazing skill I have a little problem which as a favour to me I would ask that you work out at your leisure while going forward on your journey."

Parnell is the illustration. How about the djinn crying inside the sealed jar, and the fate of the credulous fisherman who obeys that voice and breaks the seal which Solomon the Wise set against him?

These modern 'Arabian Nights' are too hectic for quiet folk. I declined upon a more rational Cairo the Arab city where everything is as it was when Maruf the Cobbler fled from Fatima-el-Orra and met the djinn in the Adelia Musjid.

The turbaned driver pulled up his horse and stared open-mouthed at this extraordinary apparition from the sky, and when the aeroplane alighted, and from the car stepped a tall, dirty creature with a monstrously ugly face, the native whipped up his horse and with shrill cries sought to escape the clutches of what he felt in his trembling soul must be a djinn of the most evil kind.

Outside the sun was just thinking of setting. The Ware Cliff was the best medicine for me. What does Kipling say? "And soon you will find that the sun and the wind And the Djinn of the Garden, too, Have lightened the hump, Cameelious Hump, The Hump that is black and blue." His instructions include digging with a hoe and a shovel also, but I could omit that. The sun and the wind were what I needed.

I have slept with it under my pillow. Observe it a blue-serge coat. Ever hear of the djinn in the bottle? Like enough. But did you ever hear of a djinn in a blue-serge coat? Stitched in!" Something like this was always rushing into his throat; and he had to sink his nails into his palms to stop his mouth. Very fascinating, though, trying to analyse the impulse.