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Comfort might find it sort of soothin' and distractin'," meant more real unselfish thought and kindly feeling than all the conservatory exotics and new novels which the rich girl's whim supplied from her overflowing store. I was surprised only that the whim lasted so long. Behind all this, I think, and confirming my feeling, was the fact that Miss Colton did not repeat her call.

"Yes, that, Janet; and ye mustn't come on too often, nuther." "Oh! Cap'n, and just when we've got the blessed beach to ourselves! Mrs. Jo G. and her kind gone; only the crew and us! Why, Cap'n, this is life!" "Now, Janet, 'tain't no use fur ye t' coax. Ye're goin' on seventeen, ain't ye?" "Seventeen, Cap'n, and eleven months!" "It's distractin' the way ye've shot up.

In short, before I kent whar I was, I was plump owre head an' ears in love, distractin love, wi' my fair enslaver, an' rendered useless baith to mysel an' every ither body. Never did the tender passion so engross, so absorb the feelins an' faculties o' a human bein, as it did those o' me, Willie Smith the hosier, on this occasion.

I could sting Peel so if I liked, he'd think a galley nipper had bit him, and he'd spring right off the floor on to the table at one jump, gout or no gout, ravin' mad with pain and say, 'I'm bit thro' the boot by Gosh; or if I was to take his side, for I care so little about the British, all sides is alike to me, I'd make them Irish members dance like ravin', distractin' bed bugs.

What use have I, in my business, for that kinder decoration, I should like to know! It'd only be distractin' me, gettin' in me pails when I'm scrubbin'. An' by the time Cora an' Francie is grown up, jabbows will be out. I'd much more use for the five-dollar-bill was folded up in the box alongside. That, now, was becomin' to my peculiar style o' beauty. But the jabbow!

Clar distractin'; an' I ain't been an' done my duty by ye, nuther." Billy yanked a strand of cord vigorously. "Yes, you have, Cap'n," Janet's tone was dangerously soft; "I'm the very properest girl at the Station. Look at me, Cap'n Daddy!" But Billy steeled himself, and rigidly attended to the net. "Well," he admitted, "ye're proper enough 'long some lines.

I could sting Peel so if I liked, he'd think a galley nipper had bit him, and he'd spring right off the floor on to the table at one jump, gout or no gout, ravin' mad with pain and say, 'I'm bit thro' the boot by Gosh; or if I was to take his side, for I care so little about the British, all sides is alike to me, I'd make them Irish members dance like ravin', distractin' bed bugs.

"Allow me," said John, getting up and closing it. "May's well shut the other one while you're about it. Thank you," as John resumed his seat. "I hain't got nothin' very private, but I'm 'fraid of distractin' Timson's mind. Did he int'duce himself?" "Yes," said John, "we introduced ourselves and had a few minutes conversation." "Gin ye his hull hist'ry an' a few relations throwed in?"

Ae plunge, an' a' this distractin turmoil that was rackin my soul, an' tearin my bosom asunder, wad be stilled.

You were misled or mistaken, or your own bad, suspicious nature made you do her wrong; an' even if it was thrue which it is not, but false as hell why would you crash and wring her daughter's heart by a knowledge of it? Couldn't you let me get through the short but bitther passage of life that's before me, without addin' this to the other thoughts that's distractin' me?"