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Southend spoke with some appearance of timidity. Mr Disney was Prime Minister. "And the truth is, none of us seemed to like the job. So John Fullcombe suggested you." "What brave men you are!" Her face wrinkled humorously. "Well, he might bite us, and he couldn't bite you not so hard anyhow." "And you want me to ask for a higher rank!

The old lady laughed as she turned to welcome Lord Southend. "I've just met Disney," he remarked. "He doesn't seem to mind being out." "Oh, he'll be back before long, and without his incumbrances. And Flora's delighted to get a winter abroad. It couldn't have happened more conveniently, she says."

You see, I happen to know that Leon Disney owns a hand electric torch like the one you showed me the other day that your uncle in the city sent out, and which I want you to fetch over when you come after supper. Just as like as not, he'll use it through the window before they try to enter, so as to make sure the coast is clear.

He had high words with Danvers, and the two might have quarrelled before long but for the sudden arrest of Disney, which threw Danvers into such a panic that he fled incontinently, abandoning in body, as he already appeared to have abandoned in spirit, the Monmouth Cause. The arrest of Disney struck a chill into Wilding.

And he would be likely to run away, to try and escape his just punishment, so that the bail bond would be forfeited." "But even so it wouldn't ruin me, Mrs. Disney," continued the deacon; "and I hate to think of you sitting here, and crying your eyes out because he is locked up."

She wondered whether these dragon flies were so insecure that they even needed children to validate the stories they projected into their minds. Religious minds not only projected such stories onto all the walls of their brains but cast themselves as more Disney characters into this metaphysical film within the most salient roles.

Everybody was at work, and it was vaguely understood that Mr Disney was considering the matter, at least that he had not consigned all the documents to the waste-paper basket and the writers to perdition which was a great point gained with Mr Disney.

The artisan went by, but stopped, turned to look again, and exchanged an amused smile with Mina. He glanced round twice again before he was out of sight. Mina sighed in enjoyment. With a quick jerk of his head Disney began to walk on slowly. For an instant Mina did not know what she would do; the fear and the attraction struggled. Then she jumped up and walked toward him.

To him the battle seemed to be won. He was assured in his manner and decidedly triumphant as he said: "It's a great thing to have screwed Disney up to the viscounty. It does away with all difficulty about the name, you see." Harry looked up sharply. Had Mr Disney been "screwed up?" Who had screwed him up? by what warrant? on whose commission?

"What's that you say?" gasped Thad; "your watch? Tell that to the marines, Leon Disney!" "But it's so, I tell you. Thad, it sure is," persisted the other tenaciously, as though he had laid all his plans for just such an "accident," whereby his attempt to rob Hugh's locker would be held up.