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"I would any day, even if should suffer myself by it; and now good-bye, Jemmy Murray, to the dioual I pitch the whole thing! Rapin' hooks!" And as he spoke, off went the furious little extortioner, irretrievably offended. The subject of Margaret's marriage, however, was on that precise period one on which her father and friends had felt and expressed much concern.

"Well?" said Hogan, re-echoing him "it is well; an' what is more, my Kate is to be up here wid a pair o' geese to roast for us, for we must make him comfortable. She wint to thry her hand upon somebody's roost, an' it'll go hard if she fails!" "Fwhail!" exclaimed Teddy, with a grin "ah, the dioual a fwhail!" "An' another thing he's comin' about Kathleen Cavanagh Hycy is.

"Well, but poor Frank's a harmless boy, and never gave offence to mortual, which, by the same token, is more than can be said of Art the lad." "Very well, we know all that; and maybe it 'ud be betther for himself if he had a sharper spice of the dioual in him but sure the poor boy hasn't the brain for it.

He got as pale as a sheet, to-night, when Corney there threatened him; not but he's desateful enough I grant, but he'd be a greater tyrant only that he's so hen-hearted." "But what job," said the rouser, "has he for us to-morrow night, do you think? It must be something past the common. Who the dioual can he have in his eye to run away wid?"

Rousin Redhead stood still for nearly half a minute without uttering a syllable; at length he seized Dandy by the arm, which he pressed with the gripe of Hercules, for he was a man of huge size and strength. "Chorp ad dioual, you giant, is it my arm you're goin' to break?"