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"We know they are not against the Allies," the others said, when came news of the latest drafts still training steadily under peace conditions, "we know they are not against us we suppose they are just neutral." "Dinkum" Australian for "true." There has always been some chaff thrown at the latest arrival and it is a mistake to think that there was never any feeling behind the chaff.

One of these spies was only discovered through misuse of a well-known Australian slang-word. No one in the Australian army but knows the meaning of "dinkum." Its meaning is something the same as the American "on the level!" and is probably the commonest word in the Australian soldier's vocabulary. He will ask: "Is that dinkum news?" State that, "He's a dinkum fellow!" and so on.

What a slashing stockman he would have made in new country, if he only could have kept straight. It took us an hour's hard dinkum to get near the peak. Sometimes it was awful rocky, as well as scrubby, and the poor devils of cattle got as sore-footed as babies blood up to the knee, some of 'em; but we crowded 'em on; there was no help for it.

"I'll find the beans, an' yer can go an' buy Bob Watkins's shop out as it stands," said Mrs Yabsley, proudly. "Fair dinkum!" cried Jonah, in amazement. Ada put down her novelette and stared, astonished at the turn of the conversation. It flashed through her mind that her mother had some mysterious habits.

Jonah stayed to tea that night, contrary to his usual habit, for Mrs Yabsley was anxious to have the matter settled. "Wot's wrong wi' you an' me gittin' married, Ada?" he said. Ada nearly dropped her cup. "Garn, ye're only kiddin'!" she cried with an uneasy grin. "Fair dinkum!" said Jonah. "Right-oh," said Ada, as calmly as if she were accepting an invitation to a dance.

The next shipment were the "Dinkums" the men who came over on principle to fight for Australia the real, fair dinkum Australians. After them came the "Super-dinkums" and the next the "War Babies," and after them the "Chocolate Soldiers," then the "Hard Thinkers," who were pictured as thinking very hard before they came. And then the "Neutrals."

The first Australian to stroll down those streets was amazed to see, in huge lettering, "The Melbourne Store," next door to "The Sydney Shop." They even knew our slang, for here was "The 'Fair Dinkum' Store," and across the way "Ribuck Goods." Prices were pretty much what you liked to pay. At any rate I never failed to get an article by paying only a quarter of the first-named price.

My friend was examining this lonely toe with a critical gaze, and I sympathised with him over its condition. "Ah!" he said, "that toe is a king to what it was." "When I went sick the doctor thought he'd rumbled me swinging the lead. But as soon as he spotted them there toes of mine the ones that's gone I could see he knew I'd clicked a packet, square dinkum, this trip."

The world is small, as you say, but just at this moment infernally busy mopping up. What, bother about a little dinkum dinkus like this, with Russia mad, Germany ugly, France grumbling at England, Italy shaking her fist at Greece, and labour making a monkey of itself? Nay! I'll shift the puzzle so you can read it. When the yacht was released from auxiliary duties she was without a crew.

"Say, cross my heart straight dinkum." The little girls said it. Pip took something out of his pocket, rubbed it a long time on the front of his jersey, then breathed on it and rubbed it again. "Now turn round!" he ordered. They turned round. "All look the same way! Keep still! Now!" And his hand opened; he held up to the light something that flashed, that winked, that was a most lovely green.