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He discharged his pistol, the report of which echoed loudly through the cavern; and, as I expected, the dingos for such they were instantly turned tail and scampered away, uttering cur-like yelps, which left no doubt as to their character. "I believe I was half asleep," said Mudge, "or I should have known what these yelping brutes were.

"I believe they are only cowardly dingos; and a shout, or, at all events, a shot, would send them to the right-about. Fire, and you'll see I am not mistaken," I shouted at the top of my voice.

We can grow the sugar-cane, cotton, coffee, rice and tobacco, and Peruvian bark, or what answers as well, and spices of all sorts, while few of our berries are poisonous; and, except those rascally dingos, we have not an animal in the country which can do any harm to man or beast." "Oh, yes! it's a very nice land indeed," sneered Hector.

They might have proved somewhat annoying had they attacked us unawares; but I don't think they'll come back. In case they should, I'll keep one eye open; but do you go to sleep again, Godfrey I am sorry you should have been disturbed." I did not trouble myself much about the dingos, as I felt pretty sure they would not attack human beings, and I very soon followed Mudge's advice.

We soon had our kettle boiling; and having eaten some of our cold pigeons which, by the way, were rather high by this time we drank our tea, and lay down to sleep, with our firearms by our sides. There was not much chance of our being interfered with by natives, and we also concluded that no dingos were likely to find their way into a region destitute of all other animals.

We, of course, had those ups and downs which all settlers in Australia must meet: dingos carried off our sheep, and the rot visited them; the blacks were troublesome, and droughts and blights occurred; bush-fires occasionally took place, and our wool brought lower prices than we had hoped for.

One that was brought to England broke his chain scoured the surrounding country and, before dawn, had destroyed several sheep; and another attacked, and would have destroyed, an ass, if he had not been prevented. Mr. Oxley, Surveyor-General of New South Wales, however, gives an interesting account of the mutual attachment between two of the native and wild New Holland dingos.

The light was very dim, and there was a general whisper that the attempt to get a drink of water should not be left later; as some feared such foes as dingos and night birds, should they venture into the open space at night. As the Kangaroo moved stealthily forward, pushing aside the branches of the scrub, or standing erect to peep here and there, there was absolute silence in the bush.

I often wonder," she said, "why they and the dingos are allowed to live on this beautiful kind earth. The black Humans kill and devour us; but they, even, are not so terrible as the Whites, who delight in taking our lives, and torturing us just as an amusement. Every creature in the bush weeps that they should have come to take the beautiful bush away from us."

When he returned, the poor animal was sitting up, with the loose skin hanging over one side of his face. The Dingos worry the cattle of the settlers, and will even eat pieces out of them as they lie upon the ground; the leg of a sheep has been frequently gnawed off by them.