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The House five hundred turbulent broncos, each neighing for his own bin; the Senate four score portentous clubmen, adjusting the conservative shirt-front of dignity and moderation over the license of privilege and "the interests"; the Executive dillydallying between nonentity and the Big Stick; the Supreme Court a handful of citizens and participators in our common human nature, magically transmuted into omniscient and omnipotent gods by certificates of appointment!

Secretary swears they will not stir till the signal be given, and that it never will; but such sort of fellows are like enough to mistake the sign, and the stress may come through their dillydallying to make all sure as they say, and then, if there be any mischance, I shall be the one to bear the blame. Ay, if it be their own work!" he added, speaking to himself, "Murder under trust!

But who? That was the rub. Also, without being actually positive, it struck him a great field was to be opened up in the line of opening up new routes to keep pace with the times apropos of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, it was mooted, was once more on the tapis in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally.

While you was dillydallying out in the front room, that night, wondering whether you'd have hysterics, or faint, or what all, I dug deep in that biggest trunk of yourn, and fished up one of your party dresses white satin, it is, with embroid'ry all up 'n' down the front, and slimpsy lace; it's kinda low-'n'-behold one of them " "My white satin why, Mrs. Hawley!

There is no use, however, in dillydallying against one man; so I will make a rumpus that will soon bring the chap to his bearings." Hereupon Marble made what he called a rumpus in good earnest. I thought, for a minute, he would kick the cabin-doors down. "'Andzomelee-'andzomelee," said some one on deck. "Vat for you make so much kick?"

There was business to be managed no dillydallying in this day and generation, unless one would join the down-and-out club! Such was the point of view from which this bridegroom of a year surveyed his domestic life. It was a point of view established almost of necessity from the environment in which he found himself established. He was in no wise unique: he was typical of his class.

Yet they never showed the faintest desire to see the end. The contractor dawdled by the month. I never saw such dillydallying. They only abetted it, and when once he brought an absurd and unasked-for excuse to the taxidermist's shop, its proprietor said first shutting the door between them and the wife in the inner room: "Tek yo' time. Mo' sloweh she grow, mo' longeh she stan'."

Madam, I allow no one to call me a fool, especially without reason." "Reason, indeed! What reason was there in your dillydallying after Dora Denning when she was engaged, and then making yourself like a ghost for her after she is married?