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Then he caught sight of the name on the stern. "Hopper-grass! Hoppergrass! Where didger git that air name, Lem? Invent it yerself?" "No, I didn't," said the Captain. He was very much irritated, and he did not look around. "Well, then, if 'taint yer own inventin', I jes as soon tell yer if yer ask ME, that it's the most ding-busted, tom-fool name I ever see on a cat-boat in all my born days."

"Didn't see no one else coming across the causeway, didger?" he inquired. "Not a soul." "Guess I might's well start, then." He pulled a watch out of his pocket. "What do you make it?" Not one of us had a watch, so we couldn't make it anything at all. We thought it was about two o'clock. "'Taint," said the car-driver decidedly, with the air of a man nipping a fraud in the bud. "It's one fifty four.

"Where didger git that air clock?" he asked, peering up at Sprague. "In Boston," Sprague answered him, "what do you think of it?" "Pretty fair, pretty fair. What does a clock like that cost?" They entered into a conversation about the clock, and some of the other furnishings of the cabin. Sprague asked him if he wanted to come on deck. He accepted the invitation and came up.

Daddles and I were getting into the boat, someone spoke from the shadow of a building. "Aha!" said a voice. Then a man stepped out into the moonlight, and advanced a little toward us. "Leavin' kinder sudden, aint yer?" It was Gregory the Gauger. He walked still nearer. Then he recognized Mr. Daddles and me. "What's this? What's this?" he snapped, "got out, didger? Thought yer was escapin', didger?