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She made monstrous paper dickeys, and high black stocks, and great bundling neckcloths; the very pocket-handkerchiefs were as ridiculous as anything, from the waiter-napkin size of good stout cambric to a quarter-dollar bit of a middle with a cataract of "chandelier" lace about it.

Men ain't so anxious to marry. When a man had to have all his shirts and dickeys made he was helpless, to say nothing of his pants, but nowadays he can get everything ready-made, and it doesn't make so much difference to him whether he gets married or not. He can have a good deal more for himself, if he's an old bachelor."

Ladies generally have so much difficulty in fastening cuffs, that they will doubtless welcome a close-fitting garment of this description, and it will do away with the tiresome habit-shirts and dickeys which have an irritating trick of following one's neck about, instead of remaining in a fixed position.

But when they were gone, she dropped her head on her arms. Dusk came; the village was very still. A train thundered by, and Potter's windmill creaked and splashed, creaked and splashed. A cow-bell clanked in the lane, and Mary Bell looked up to see the Dickeys' cow dawdle by, her nose sniffing idly at the clover, her downy great bag leaving a trail of foam on the fresh grass.

The shirts were whitened shams, as they lay, no more than so many "dickeys," in a row, for when unfolded it was found that they had lost their tails, long since the prey of cockroaches or bedding for the young of mice; collars, when severed from their fray, were sadly diminished in height, and the overhauling of the boot department revealed the fact that there was nothing that would bear a more critical eye than that of "The Community."

Ah, you little dickeys,” said Rollo; “hungry, are you? I have not got any thing for you to eat.” Rollo looked at them a little while, and then slowly got down and walked along up the lane, saying to himself, “They are not big enough to work, at any rate, but I am, I know, and I do not believe but that Elky is.” Preparations.

What in particular excited in me this feeling was their feet, their dirty nails and fingers, a particularly long talon on Operoff's obtrusive little finger, their red shirts, their dickeys, the chaff which they good-naturedly threw at one another, the dirty room, a habit which Zuchin had of continually snuffling and pressing a finger to his nose, and, above all, their manner of speaking that is to say, their use and intonation of words.

"All about him, distributed with devilish malignity and criminal intent, were various clusters of the flowers that had transported him, literally." "My God!" exclaimed Dennis. "What a situation!" "Wasn't it?" exclaimed the widow. "It almost equals the story on the dickeys." "Equals!" exclaimed Dennis with profound conviction. "I don't know that I care to read the balance of the story after this.

I stayed after school with Minnie Lawler to sweep the floor." "And did you and Minnie quarrel, and is that why you are crying?" asked Frank solemnly. "Minnie and I never quarrel. I am crying because we can't have the school decorated on Monday for the examination, after all. The Dickeys have gone back on us ... after promising, too," and the tears began to swell up in the blue eyes again.

The item chiefly disputed in this bill was the very moderate charge of two pennies for the dickey. Upon my word of honor, this was not an unreasonable price for that dickey. It was one of the cleanest and prettiest little dickeys I ever saw; and I have good reason to believe that it effected the sale of three Petershams.