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It is scarcely necessary to say that Pyrrhus accepted the invitation with the most eager alacrity. The circumstances of the case will be explained in the next chapter. Sparta. Some account of the city. The Spartan kings. Origin of the system. Oracle at Delphi. A difficulty. The two lines of kings. A diarchy. Dissensions. Lycurgus. His family. Death of his father. Lycurgus assumes the crown.

The system of diarchy of allotting certain matters to the bureaucratic authority of the Viceroy and of the Provincial Governors and other matters to the representatives of the people is obviously a stop-gap, which is already moribund.

The essence of the report was its recommendation of the principle of "diarchy," or division of governmental responsibility between councillors nominated by the British executive and ministers chosen from elective legislative bodies. This diarchy was to hold for both the central and provincial governments.

In the two families thus arising originated the Spartan lines of kings that reigned jointly over the kingdom for many successive generations. To express this extraordinary system of government, it has sometimes been said that Sparta, though governed by kings, was not a monarchy, but a diarchy. The diarchy, however, as might have been expected, was found not to work very successfully in practice.