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As Rand followed Walters down the spiral from the gunroom, the radio commercial was just starting, and Geraldine was asking Dunmore where Anton was. "Oh, you know," Dunmore told her, impatiently. "He had to go to Louisburg, to that Medical Association meeting; he's reading a paper about the new diabetic ration."

His diabetic condition was so acute that under ordinary conditions he could not sit still at one time for more than fifteen minutes. But his spiritual aspiration was undeterrable. "Lord," he prayed, "wilt Thou come into my broken temple?"

"That is perfectly true." "Nothing would have been easier than for me to have made away with him. He had the toothache, and when he showed me his teeth I could easily have strangled him. We were alone, and a miserable diabetic, such as he is, who has not more than six months to live, I am sure, could not have resisted a grasp like this.

Dobson, of Liverpool, has given a very ingenious explanation of the acid sweats, which he observed in a diabetic patient he thinks part of the chyle is secreted by the skin, and afterwards undergoes an acetous fermentation.

"I'll do so next year," her mother said, with an affectionate smile that kindled life in her diabetic eyes. "The two of you will then have to pass Passover with us." "I accept the invitation at once," I said "Provided you attend the seder, too," remarked Kaplan, referring to the elaborate and picturesque ceremony attending the first two suppers of the great festival

Nothing mattered, not even the squatty person sitting there with little diabetic puffs beneath his eyes. "How long has this thing been going on?" he repeated, his voice a rising gale. "Are you your brother's keeper?" "From your kind, yes." "There has been nothing between us." "That's a lie." Through the scorch of her humiliation it was a second before she could command her lips. "I swear to God."

Definition Types: Dry, Moist Varieties Gangrene primarily due to interference with circulation: Senile gangrene; Embolic gangrene; Gangrene following ligation of arteries; Gangrene from mechanical causes; Gangrene from heat, chemical agents, and cold; Diabetic gangrene; Gangrene associated with spasm of blood vessels; Raynaud's disease; Angio-sclerotic gangrene; Gangrene from ergot.

Certainly, if he counted his rolls, the man could hardly have suspected me of a diabetic tendency. All this time I studied the profile of the editor, while he leisurely discussed, perhaps, half a sovereign's worth of luncheon. I hoped and again feared he might presently recognise me; but he only looked blandly through me once or twice to more important objects beyond.

Such is the name the writers of the time give to this sore; in our days, when science has defined certain maladies formerly misunderstood, it is permissible to suppose that this so-called frost-bite was nothing else than diabetic gangrene.

Our fairest creatures, once they have passed their meridian vigour, are liable to be assailed and undermined by an insidious diabetic tendency. It is this coddling instinct of mankind which has reduced Saint Michael to his present state.