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Then I went off to one side it must 'a' ben about 'leven or half-past, an' eat my dinner I had a devourin' appetite an' thought I'd jest walk round a spell, an' then light out fer home.

"Waal, he didn't git no more; an' after the furnitoor an' the books, his cloze begun to go. "Then I begun to be afeard he didn't have nothin' to eat, an' oncet in a while I'd kerry him up a mess o' vittles; but it allers seemed drefful hard for him to take 'em, an' fin'ly he told me not to do so no more, an' said suthin' to himself about devourin' widders.

I enjoyed the hour I spent here with a deep, heart enjoyment, and so did Josiah. Or, that is, I guess he did, though he whispered to me from time to time, or even oftener, as we went through the buildin', that we wuz a devourin' time that we might be spendin' at the Roller Coaster. Wall, at last, greatly to my pardner's satisfaction, we sot out for the place where he fain would be.

"What brings yuh fellows inter thu tem'tations of thu meetropoliss? Don't yuh know thet this is thu home of the devourin' lion an' thu laih o' thu feroshus tigeh? Come an' look at yeh innercent selfs in thu bottom of a glass!" As they lined up at the bar Strang said quickly, in an undertone. "Six of us heah by dark. What's thu game?"

I've put in sivinteen years, an' the pipeclay's in the marrow av me. Av I cud have kept out av wan big dhrink a month, I wud have been a Hon'ry Lift'nint by this time a nuisince to my betthers, a laughin'-shtock to my equils, an' a curse to meself. Bein' fwhat I am, I'm Privit Mulvaney, wid no good-conduc' pay an' a devourin' thirst.

They're sure devourin' lions an' roarin' hyenas when they get on the trail of a man they've cottoned to." Again the monologue languished. Smoke cuffed the dog when it attempted to snap his hand, and went on examining its bruised and bleeding pads. "Huh!" pursued Shorty. "Mebbe I couldn't 'a' married if I'd a mind to!

"Did you want the devourin' element to consume that buildin'?" "I did," replied the theatrical man. "Well I vum!" declared the volunteer chief. "Boys, we made a mistake." "The next time I'll tell the inhabitants here what my plans are," went on Mr. Ringold, grimly. "I told you I wanted it to burn."

The shops are pretty, and it does the old man's hart good to see the troops of fine healthy girls which one may always see there at certain hours in the afternoon, who don't spile their beauty by devourin cakes and sugar things, as too many of the American and French lasses do. It's a mistake about everybody being out of town, I guess. Regent Street is full.

But it's too much like feedin' on live folks and devourin' widdah's substance, to lay yourself out in the eatin' way, when a fellah 's as hungry as the chap that said a turkey was too much for one 'n' not enough for two. I can't help lookin' at the old woman. Corned-beef-days she's tolerable calm. Roastin'-days she worries some, 'n' keeps a sharp eye on the chap that carves.

The rich family travelin' with children and servants and unlimited baggage; the party of school girls with the slim talkative teacher in spectacles, tellin' 'em all the pints of interest, and stuffin' 'em with knowledge gradual but constant; the stiddy goin' business men and the fashionable ones; the married flirt and the newly married bride and husband, sheepish lookin' but happy; old wimmen and young ones; young men and old ones; the sick passenger confined to his bed, but devourin' more food than any two well ones seven meals a day have I seen carried into that room by the steward, while a voice weak but onwaverin' would call for more.