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To-day, Fibs, I want you to interview that Mrs, Desternay. You can do it better than I, jolly her along, and find out if she's fried or foe of Mrs, Embury." "Yessir. An' kin I do a little sleuthin' on my own?" "What sort?" "Legitermit I do assure you, sir."

Embury changed the subject and by using all his self-control gave no hint of his wrath. So Eunice had gone after all! After his expressly forbidding it! It was almost unbelievable! And within an hour of his receiving information, Sanford Embury, in his own car, stopped at the Desternay house. Smiling and debonair as he entered the drawingroom, he greeted the hostess and asked for his wife.

Fifi clenched her little fists, drew her lips between her teeth, and fairly hissed, "Serpent, yourself! Murderess! I know all and I shall tell all! You'll regret the day you scorned the friendship the help of Fifi Desternay!" "I don't want your help, at the price of friendship with you! I know you for what you are! My husband told me others have told me!

"Eunice looked up with a frightened stare. "Don't look like that oh, Eunice, don't! I only meant I know you want money ready money let me give it to you or lend it to you do, Eunice darling!" "Thank you, Mason," Eunice forced herself to say, "but I must refuse your offer. I think I think we we'll go home now." "Don't you call her 'that Desternay woman'!" "I'll call her what I please!

To have a real murder right in one's owns circle of acquaintances I had almost said friends but dear Eunice doesn't seem to look on me as her friend " The blue eyes made a bid for sympathy, and Shane, though not always at ease in the presence of society ladies, met her half way. "Now, that's a pity, Mrs, Desternay! I'm sure you'd be the greatest help to her in her trouble."

"It isn't the size of the stake that makes gambling!" Fifi Desternay cried, shrilly; "I've had the advice of a lawyer, and he says that as long as it's my own home and the players are invited guests, there's no possibility of being " "Raided!" said Eunice, scathingly. "Might as well call things by their real name!" "Hush up! Some of the servants might hear you! How unkind you are to me, Eunice.

Driscoll. Why single out me for a suspect?" The haughty face turned to him was quite severely critical. "True, Mrs, Embury, why should I? The answer is, motive. You must admit that I had neither motive nor opportunity to kill your husband. Mrs, Desternay, let us say, had neither opportunity nor motive. Miss Ames had opportunity but no motive.

But since her trouble, Mrs, Embury has thrown me over has discarded me utterly I'm so sorry!" Fifi daintily touched her eyes with a tiny square of monogrammed linen, and Fibsy said, gravely, "Careful, there; don't dab your eyelashes too hard!" "What!" Mrs, Desternay could scarcely believe her ears. "Honest, you'd better look out. It's coming off now."

Do your worst Fifi Desternay; I am not afraid of you!" "I am going, Eunice." Fifi moved slowly toward the door. "I shall tell the truth, but I shall add no lies that will not be necessary!" She disappeared, and Eunice stood, panting with excitement and indignation. Aunt Abby came toward her.

There's two men that I know of who are dead in love with Mrs, Embury and I daresay there are a lot more, who can see a silver lining in this cloud!" "What what do you mean?" Shane was fascinated by the lovely personality of Mrs, Desternay, and he began to think that she might be of some real help to him.