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"Yet, I tay here an' be Timfy's ittle dirl. Now oo p'ay by your own seff ittle while, Mit Vildy, pease, coz I dot to det down an find Samfy an' put my dolly to bed coz she's defful seepy." "It's half past eight," said Samantha coming into the kitchen, "and Timothy ain't nowheres to be found, and Jabe hain't seen him sence noon-time."

"The Charlie boy likes canny seeds; I'll send him some," said she, pinning a paper of sugared spices to the window curtain, and drawing it up by means of the tassel. "O, dear, um don't go high enough. Charlie won't get 'em." "Why, what is that baby trying to do?" said Dotty Dimple. "Charlie's defful high up," murmured Flyaway, heaving a little sigh; "can't get the canny seeds." "O, what a Fly!

And after she had said that, she cried harder than ever, and crept under the bushes, moaning like a wounded lamb. "I'm defful wetter, but I'm colder'n I's wetter; makes me shivvle!"

"Miss Polly scared me so I don't believe I shall ever be afraid of lightning again!" Little Flyaway ran after them, holding her nipperkin of milk close to her bosom, to keep off the flies, as she thought. "I was defful sick," said she; "and did I ask the Polly woman for the stawbollies? No, she was naughty; I didn't want 'em. She gived me stawbollies and stawbollies."

"Have you been thinking, dear, and are you sorry and ready to come out?" "Yes, um," replied the little culprit, with her mouth full, and feeling very brave as long as the door was shut between her and her jailer. "Yes, um, I've thought it all up, defful solly. But you won't never shut me up no more, gamma Parlin!"

"'Tis a defful day! I can't stay in this day!" More trouble had come to her than she knew how to bear; but worst of all was the cruel stab of the bumblebee. She pitied her aching "fum," and kissed it herself to make it feel better; but all in vain; "the pain kept on and on;" the "fum" grew big as fast as the candy had grown little.