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Jealousy, John Sibley, me boy, is a cruil thing." "Why is it you ain't jealous of him? There's plenty of women that watch you go down-town you got a name for it, anyway," remarked Sibley maliciously. Deely nodded sagely. "Watch me now, that's right, me boy. I got a name for it, but I want the game without the name, and that's why I ain't puttin' on any airs none at all.

There was nothing criminal in living under an assumed name, which, anyhow, was his own name in three-fourths of it, and in the other part was the name of the county where he was born. "Divils me own, I told you he was up among the dukes," said Malachi Deely to John Sibley as they came out. "And he's from me own county, and I know the name well enough; an' a damn good name it is.

While they were speaking a young girl came from the only room in the house, and, crossing the kitchen, stood beside the open fireplace. "Agnes had great news from Australia from Mary," Mrs. Deely said. "She enclosed the price of the passage from this place to Sydney." "I will be making the voyage the end of this month," the girl herself added. There was an awkward silence, during which Mrs.

Hugh: The people could not but feel some stir to see what they saw this day. I declare to you, Donagh, when I saw her old stooped dark figure thrown against the sky on the car it moved something in me. Mrs. Ford: What are you saying about a stir in the country, Hugh Deely? Hugh: Was it not something to see the planter going from this place?

There never was a woman crossing the street on a muddy day that you didn't sprint to get a look at her ankles. Behind everything you see a woman. Horses is your profession, but woman is your practice." "There ain't but one thing worth livin' for, and that's a woman," remarked Deely. "Do you tell Mrs. Deely that?" asked Sibley. "Watch me now, she knows.

There was no great spirit in the country when Donagh Ford took the courage of his own heart and called the people together. Hugh: This place was a place of great strife then. Mrs. Ford: God send, Agnes Deely, that you'll never have the memory of a bitter eviction burned into your mind. Donagh: That's all over and done now, mother. There is a new life before you. Mrs.

No man except one who had staked all he had again and again could have looked or spoken like that. Crozier looked at the other thoughtfully for a moment, then he said: "I don't know what you said to Deely, but I do know that I'm going to the Logan Trial in spite of the M'Mahon mob. I don't feel about it as you do. I've got a different feeling, Sibley. I'll play the game out. I shall not hedge.

"Well, God prosper you, Agnes Deely," Denis Donohoe said after some time, and rose from his seat. The two women came out on the road to see him off. He did not dally, jumped on to the front of the cart and rattled away.

After they had seen the world through the bottom of a tumbler Deely continued the gossip. "Watch me now, been a friend of dukes in England and Ireland, that Mr. James Gathorne Kerry, as any one can see; and there he is feelin' the hocks of a filly or openin' the jaws of a stud horse, age-hunting!

Deely carefully piloted one of her needles through an intricate turn in the heel of the sock. "Well, I wish you luck, Agnes," Denis Donohoe said at last, and then gave a queer odd little laugh, a little laugh that made Mrs. Deely regard him quickly and seriously. She noticed that he had his eyes fixed on the ground.