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There, enjoying a moment of lugubrious idleness, may be sitting an old countrywoman with steady eyes in a lean, dusty-black dress and an old poke-bonnet; by her side, some gin-faced creature of the town, all blousy and draggled; a hollow-eyed foreigner, far gone in consumption; a bronzed young navvy, asleep, with his muddy boots jutting straight out; a bearded, dreary being, chin on chest; and more consumptives, and more vagabonds, and more people dead-tired, speechless, and staring before them from that crescent-shaped haven where there is no draught at their backs, and the sun occasionally shines.

"There there, don't cry, my pretty Mav." And she, melting beneath the gentleness and tenderness of his caresses, wept in pity of herself. "Yes, I'm tired dead-tired." And the tears flowed unchecked, blotting out emotion, reason, instinct, swamping her in floods of self-pity. "Let me sleep and let me forget. Oh, let me forget what I've gone through these last two days." "Anyways, it's over now."

We would pause for half an hour and boil our little kettle, and have some tea and cake, and then go on again till quite late, getting well scolded when we reached home at last dead-tired and as black as little chimney-sweeps.

"Oh! don't bother," cried Ben; "I'm going to play with some boys at the other side of the beach, and won't be back for a couple of hours." Plenty of food was given to the happy children, and they returned home dead-tired, some of them half-asleep, but all with dreams of bliss which would remain in their hearts for many a long day.

The crackle of a foot on a dead willow-twig roused her, and her eyes met St. Vincent's. "You have not congratulated me upon my escape," he began, breezily. "But you must have been dead-tired last night. I know I was. And you had that hard pull on the river besides." He watched her furtively, trying to catch some cue as to her attitude and mood.

Throw the fragments of your guitar in the wood-box there, and proceed with the opening proposition." "What I was going to say was this," said Bert, with a half-desperate enunciation; "I'm getting tired of this way of living clean, dead-tired, and fagged out, and sick of the whole artificial business!" "Oh, yes!" exclaimed John, with a towering disdain, "you needn't go any further!

Even they had ceased, and for four months she had heard no word. He had "got over" her, it seemed, wherever he was Russia, Sweden who knew who cared? She let the brush rest on her knee, thinking again of that walk with her baby through empty, silent streets, in the early misty morning last October, of waiting dead-tired outside here, on the pavement, ringing till they let her in.

"But how can I make it real if I don't?" "You can't," said Molly Brandeis. "That's just it. You can't, ever." Fanny got up before six every morning of that Easter vacation, and went to the mill, lunch box in hand. She came home at night dead-tired.

She was so tired, too, so dead-tired, she did not know, in spite of her brave words, how she could possibly drag her weary body a step further. A few moments later the front-door had been securely bolted, and Mrs. Perry, lantern in hand, was conducting her two strange visitors out of the back door and down the garden.

We soon passed him, and I don't remember much about the march that followed. We were dead-tired, and after travelling for what seemed hours over cobblestones we came to a steep hill the boys commenced to swear, but we stuck to it for a while. Finally I gave up and lay down beside the road; by this time a lot of the boys had dropped out.