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I want to know how this affair happened last night, and how it occurred that you were present at it. It's a bad business, Barney." "Devil a worser," replied Barney, "especially for poor Mr. Charles. I ran to the spot I heard the skirls comin' from, and there I found Mr. Charles, lyin' as if dead, and Grace Davoren with her hands clasped like a mad woman over him.

Woodward's attention, however, was transferred once more to Grace Davoren, from whom he could not keep his eyes a fact which she soon discovered, as was evident by a slight hauteur and affectation of manner toward many of those with whom she had been previously on an equal and familiar footing.

"The danger then is this and terrible it is that born devil, Shawn-na-Middogue, has got hold of what's goin' on between you and Grace Davoren." "Between me and Grace Davoren!" he exclaimed, in a voice of well-feigned astonishment. "You mean my brother Charles.

That Harry was brave and intrepid even to rashness he knew; but why he should arm himself with such secrecy and caution occasioned him much conjecture. His intrigue with Grace Davoren was beginning to be suspected. Shawn-na-Middoque might have heard of it.

There lay Grace Davoren, after having given birth to a child; there she lay the victim of the seducer, on the very eve of dissolution, and beside her, sitting on the bed, the unfortunate Nannie Morrissy, now a confirmed and dying maniac. "Grace," said Nannie, "you, like me, were ruined." "I was," replied Grace, in a voice scarcely audible.

What is Grace Davoren or Shaivn-nu-Middogue the accursed scoundrel to me, so long as my dear Charles is in a state of danger?" "Now," said he, when they parted "now to work earth and hell to secure Shaum-na-Middogue. He has got my secret concerning the girl Davoren, and I feel that while he is at large I cannot be safe. There is a reward for his head, whether alive or dead, but that I scorn.

On to-morrow night I bid farewell to the neighborhood; but you cannot wait so long, because on this very night you are to be arrested. It is very well that you sent Grace Davoren, at my suggestion, from the Haunted House to what is supposed to be the haunted cottage, in the mountains, where Nannie Morrissy soon joined her.

"God save you kindly, Barney," was the instant reply from all. "Ah, Mrs. Davoren," he proceeded, "ever the same; by this and by that, if there's a woman living ignorant of one thing, and you are that woman." "Sorrow off you, Barney! well, what is it?" "Idleness, achora.

"That's as it may be managed, perhaps," said Woodward, who immediately approached Grace in imitation of what he had seen, and making her a low bow, said, "I dance to you, Miss Davoren, if you will favor me." She was then sitting, but immediately rose up, with a blushing but gratified face, and replied, "I will, sir, but I'm not worthy to dance with a gentleman like you."

And so ended their dialogue, little, indeed, to the satisfaction of Harry, whom Barney left in complete ignorance of the significant exclamations by which Grace Davoren, in the alarm of the moment, had betrayed her own guilt, by stating that Shawn-na-Middogue had stabbed the wrong man.