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Anyutka came out of the hut, and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. All night she was lost in the forest, but towards morning she came out to the edge and ran along the road. By the mercy of God she met the clerk Yegor Danilitch, the kingdom of Heaven be his. He was going along with his hooks to catch fish. Anyutka told him all about it.

The starlings rose in a black cloud from the Father Prebendary's garden, but Potcheshihin and Optimov did not notice them. They stood staring into the air, wondering what could have attracted such a crowd, and what it was looking at. Akim Danilitch appeared. Still munching and wiping his lips, he cut his way into the crowd, bellowing: "Firemen, be ready! Disperse! Mr.

Having described the disgrace and helplessness of Pyotr Semyonitch, who only the day before had been powerful and respected by all, Avdeyev went on with a sigh: "The tears of the mouse come back to the cat. Serve them right, the scoundrels! They could steal, the rooks, so let them answer for it!" "You'd better look out, Ivan Danilitch, that you don't catch it too!" one of his friends observed.

Look at that hussy driving by in her carriage, while I have to sit here and brood." "We each have our lot in life, Ivan Danilitch. Please God, you'll be promoted and drive about in your carriage one day." "I? No, brother, not likely. I shan't get beyond a 'titular, not if I try till I burst. I'm not an educated man." "Our General has no education either, but..."

You wait a minute, when you do come . . . ." And feeling a craving to vent his wrath and impatience upon someone, the man of learning goes to the door leading to his wife's room and knocks. "Listen, Katya," he says in an indignant voice. "If you see Pyotr Danilitch, tell him that decent people don't do such things. It's abominable!

"There's trouble. Kostukov is angry with me. 'Too many boards have gone on the cornices. 'Too many? As many have gone on it as were needed, Vassily Danilitch; I don't eat them with my porridge. 'How can you speak to me like that? said he, 'you good-for-nothing blockhead! Don't forget yourself!

Ours is a righteous calling and pleasing to God, and if you are pleased to be my superior you are very welcome to it, Vassily Danilitch. And later on, after that conversation I mean, I thought: 'Which was the superior? A merchant of the first guild or a carpenter? The carpenter must be, my child!" Crutch thought a minute and added: "Yes, that's how it is, child.

The same evening Akim Danilitch sat in the grocer's shop drinking limonade gaseuse and brandy, and writing: "In addition to the official report, I venture, your Excellency, to append a few supplementary observations of my own. Father and benefactor! In very truth, but for the prayers of your virtuous spouse in her salubrious villa near our town, there's no knowing what might not have come to pass.

Akim Danilitch is coming, and he'll give it to you! You here, Parfen? A blind man, and at his age too! Can't see, but he must be like other people and won't do what he's told. Smirnov, put his name down!" "Yes, sir! And shall I write down the men from Purov's? That man there with the swollen cheek, he's from Purov's works." "Don't put down the men from Purov's. It's Purov's birthday to-morrow."

What do you want?" "A man's been crushed, please your honour!" "Where? Pass on! I ask you civilly! I ask you civilly, you blockheads!" "You may shove a peasant, but you daren't touch a gentleman! Hands off!" "Did you ever know such people? There's no doing anything with them by fair words, the devils! Sidorov, run for Akim Danilitch! Look sharp! It'll be the worse for you, gentlemen!