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I'll keep them dandering about the door for a while, and do you get your horses and out by the back way into the field. You can strike the road again lower down." It was late in the evening when Donald and Neal, with weary horses and wearier limbs, came close to Antrim.

Captain Cai relaxed his frown. After all, 'twas good to return and find the little town running on just as he left it, even down to Quaymaster Bussa and his dandering ways.

"Hev enny o' you-uns hearn him 'low lately ez I claim ennything ez ain't mine?" There was silence for a moment. Then the forge was suddenly throbbing with the zigzagging of the bow of the violin jauntily dandering along the strings. His keen sensibility apprehended the sudden jocosity as a jeer, but before he could say aught the blacksmith had undertaken to reply.

"Ye're in better spirits than I am," said Edie, addressing the bird, "for I can neither whistle nor sing for thinking o' the bonny burnsides and green shaws that I should hae been dandering beside in weather like this.

But is also applied to the kitchen; going but is going from the best room to the kitchen, and going ben is going into the best room. Byre, a cow-shed. Canny, shrewd. Chap, a knock. Daft, silly, foolish. Dandering, wandering. Dawtie, darling, pet. Dinna, do not. Dod, an exclamation. Doubt, suspect. Dyke, a low fence or wall of turf or stone. Fash, disturb. Fine, finely, well. Gey, very.

People back inland, among various strange avocations, followed this one; at a shilling a-day, too! Some months before, as young Seth Minards happened to be dandering along the western cliff-track, he was met and accosted by an officer in uniform, who asked him many questions about the coast, its paths, the coves where a boat might be beached in moderate weather, &c., and made notes on the margin of a map.

I'll pit these twa blankets oot in the sun, in some place where the dooks frae the pond will no get dandering ower them. And if you'll sorrt your books, I'll hand ower the yins ye dinna require to the Y.M.C.A. hut ayont the village."

Drinking, dandering, and feeling the way in the forenoon; the ordinary in the afternoon; at night a spate of drink and bargaining. "Saturday. Bargaining and drink. "Sunday morning. Bargains, drink, and the kirk."

It was accomplished after a fashion, and with persistent rebelling on the tinker's part and scolding on Patsy's. And, finally, to prove his own supreme indifference to physical disablement, he tore the can from her administering hands, threw it over the bridge, and started down the road at his old, swinging stride. "Is it after more lady's-slippers ye're dandering?" called Patsy.

"Ye're in better spirits than I am," said Edie, addressing the bird, "for I can neither whistle nor sing for thinking o' the bonny burnsides and green shaws that I should hae been dandering beside in weather like this.