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"One can only see one eye," observed Damoiselle Guillemette; "there is a wart on the other." "It's not a wart," returned Master Robert Mistricolle, "it is an egg which contains another demon exactly similar, who bears another little egg which contains another devil, and so on." "How do you know that?" asked Guillemette la Mairesse. "I know it pertinently," replied the protonotary.

Chausson: Viviane, Hélène, La Tempête, a quartette and a symphony. Debussy: La Damoiselle élue, the Prélude

For what do you take us, Gervaise?" It is certain that the provincial was on the point of taking offence, for the honor of her pillory. Fortunately, that discreet damoiselle, Oudarde Musnier, turned the conversation in time. "By the way, Damoiselle Mahiette, what say you to our Flemish Ambassadors? Have you as fine ones at Reims?"

Claude-Achille Debussy was born August 22nd, 1862, at Saint-Germain-en-Laye. He died at Paris March 22nd, 1918. He entered the Conservatoire at the age of twelve, studying harmony with Lavignac and piano with Marmontel. At the age of eighteen, he paid a brief visit to Russia. But it was not until several years later that he became acquainted with the score of "Boris Godounow," which was destined to have so great an influence on his life, and precipitate his revolt from Wagnerism. In 1884 he gained the Prix de Rome with his cantata "L'Enfant prodigue." During his three-year stay at the Villa Medici he composed "Printemps" and "La Damoiselle élue." "Ariettes oubliées" were published in 1888, followed, in 1890, by "Cinq poèmes de Baudelaire"; in 1893 by the string-quartet and the "Prélude

"Would he come, if he were asked yet again, and knew that a few weeks maybe days would end his mother's life?" "I doubt it, Perrotine." "Wherefore? He can love well where he list." "Ay, where he list. But I misdoubt if ever he loved her at the least, sithence she let him from wedding the Damoiselle de Ponteallen." "Then he loved the Damoiselle very dearly?" "For a month ay."

And you are to say to Sir Kay, the Seneschal of King Arthur, that the young knight Percival will in a little while come to repay that buffet he gave to the damoiselle Yelande aforesaid." So said Sir Percival, and Sir Clamadius said: "It shall be done in all wise as you command, if so be you will spare my life."

"Then I pray you to break my coming, and lead me to her forthwith," said Lady Basset, in her style of stately calm. A curtain was drawn aside, and Perrote came forward. "Damoiselle Jeanne!" she said, greeting Lady Basset by the old youthful title unheard for years. "My darling, mine own dear child!" A smile, not at all usual there, quivered for a moment on the calm fixed lips.

Otherwise, these ladies understand that there will be close imprisonment and diet according to the custom of the border till a thousand gold crowns be paid down for each of these sisters of a Scotch king, and five hundred for Madame here; and when that is like to be found, the damoiselle herself may know, and he laughed.

The Isles of Blanc Sablon and the Isles de la Damoiselle are Northeast, Westsouthwest, and take a little of the Westsouthwest, and they are distant 36 leagues: these Isles are in 50 deg. 3/4.

"At Jemsek, the year of grace 1681, the 25 May, have baptized according to the forms of our Holy Church, Marie Anne Denis, aged 4 months, daughter of Sieur Richard Denis, Esquire, and of Anne Partarabego, sauvagesse, and has been held at the font by damoiselle Marie Chartier, dame de Marson, her godmother, who has named her Marie Anne.