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Spiritualists, bone-rubbers, anti-vivisectionists, all sort of anti's in fact, those who have fads about education or fads against it, Perfectionists, Daughters of the Dove of Peace, Sons of the Roaring Torrent, itinerant peace-mongers all these may have a real genius among them once in forty years; but to look for an exception to the common run of yellow dogs and damfools among them is like opening oysters with the hope of finding pearls.

"Only you were right the first time. These letters shouldn't be delivered until your next trip around, tomorrow morning." They both handed the envelopes back to Roy Harder. The voices of their Bunch-mates jangled in a conflicting chorus. "Ah yuh damfools!" Two-and-Two bleated. "Good for them!" Art Kuzak said, perhaps mockingly.

"'Put your money up, Labor, says I. 'I never yet drew upon honest toil for its hard-earned pittance. The dollars I get are surplus ones that are burning the pockets of damfools and greenhorns. When I stand on a street corner and sell a solid gold diamond ring to a yap for $3.00, I make just $2.60.

On the beach tiny spots of lights twinkled where some one had built fires. A warmth was stealing out from the shore over the troubled waters. Talbot leaned on the rail by my side. Suddenly he chuckled explosively. "I was just thinking," said he in explanation, "of us damfools roosting on that beach in the rain." Thus at last we escaped from the Isthmus.