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MR. BARRAUD. "Near Dagen the navigation of the Baltic is very dangerous; and many years ago the island was principally occupied by men who wickedly subsisted on the misfortunes of others. A slight sketch of one will sufficiently inform you of the general character of these men.

He is also editor and publisher of Dagen, a morning paper, liberal in politics, which has a circulation of about forty thousand copies, and is sold at three öre about three-quarters of a cent.

MRS. WILTON. "It is the fashion in Dagen, my dear; and there, as elsewhere, many inconveniences are submitted to, from an anxiety to vie with other folks in the style of dress, and from a fear of being considered old-fashioned. I am sure we English must not find fault with the dress of other countries, for some of our fashions are truly ridiculous."

They object to visit on Thursdays, for it is a sign they will have troublesome guests all the week. Thus they are slaves to superstition, and must, consequently, be a complaining, unhappy people. Now Dora, my dear, proceed." DORA. "In the Baltic, north of the Gulf of Riga, lies the Isle of Dagen, belonging to Russia, and containing some fine estates of the Esthonian nobility.

"Herr Rag schickt zu Fräulein Moscheles sein empfehlung und ihren bruder; es wird höflicht gebeten das sie wird die sach reciprokiren, und in fünftzen dägen ihr empfehlung und seinen freund zuruck schicken." For the benefit of those whose inner consciousness is not in touch with the above, I give the English version: "Mr.

There is the isle of Oesal, remarkable for its quarries of beautiful marble; its inhabitants like those of Dagen Isle, are chiefly Esthonians: Gothland and Oeland are both fertile and productive. In the Gulf of Bothnia are the Aland Isles, which derive their names from the largest, forty miles in length and fifteen in breadth, containing about 9000 inhabitants, who speak the Swedish language.