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"I don't b'lieve 'e can walk a plank," surmised a cockney gravely. "'E's too drunk; 'e'd fall hoff." "Where's Farnol Greer, Mulcher?" snapped Madden disgustedly. "Is he drunk, too?" "D-drunk you don't think we're drunk, sor?" "We 'ave been drinkin' a little, sor, but we're not drunk." "Oi am," nodded Hogan, resting his chin on Galton's shoulder as if from deep affection.

"Better give them to me, Ronald." "No, w-why should I?" "Well, in your present mood " "I I'm not d-drunk, damme, I'm not, I tell you! And I'll give the f-fellow every chance honorable meeting." "Then, if he refuses to fight you, as of course he will, you'll let him go to ah make love to Cleone?" "No, by God!" cried Barrymaine in a sudden, wild fury, "I-I'll sh-shoot him first!" "Kill him?"

The Admiral, viewing the young couple as they stood sheepishly before him, commanded Selina to state her complaint as briefly as possible, avoiding tears. But this was beyond her. "He came home drunk, your Worship," she sobbed, twisting her handkerchief. "I didn'," corrected her husband. "He came home d-drunk, your Worship . . . he c-came home d-drunk " "Now hearken to me, you two!"

"I, Caradoc Smith-Wentworth, can't think of going to stand watch for a gang of siz-seasick navvies an' a t-toady American Yankee Not!" he reiterated and laughed in tipsy irony. A flush of anger went over Madden. He reached down suddenly and caught up the demijohn. "You you bet' not drink th-that, y-you little bossy Yankee; it-it'll m-make you d-drunk." "You sot!" trembled Madden.

"Yes," said Barnabas, and stood up. "So you're back again, are you?" "Thank you, yes," said Barnabas, "and quite safe!" "S-safe?" "As yet," answered Barnabas. "You aren't d-drunk, are you?" "No," said Barnabas, "nor are you, for once." Barrymaine clenched his fists and took a step towards Barnabas, but spying the bargeman, who now lurched forward, turned upon him in a fury.

"Thinks I'm drunk, does he!" exclaimed Anthony, scowling after him. "Well, what the devil so I am, damned d-drunk and so much the better " "So much the worse, Anthony!" "Tush, you talk like a fool, Perry; better be drunk and forget than be sober and a s-suicide felo felo-de-se, buried at cross road stake through your inside devilish unpleasant business " "You talk like a madman, Anthony."