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Qui peperit pacem regno, qui bella peregit Plurima, qui victor semper ab hoste redit, Qui natas binis conjunxit regibus ambas, Regibus et cunctis faedere junctus erat. Qui sacrum hoc struxit templum, statuitque; sepulchrum Pro se, proque sua conjuge, proque domo. Lustra decem atque; annos tres plus compleverit annos,

Sermo datur cunctis, animi sapientia paucis. Gl. ff. de alien. jud. mut. caus. fa. lib.2. This administered unto the tavern-keepers, wine-drawers, and vintners of Semerve an occasion to say, that under him they had not in the space of a whole year so much reconciliation-wine, for so were they pleased to call the good wine of Leguge, as under his father they had done in one half-hour's time.

Ita, cum damna damnis continuarentur atque omnis annus funeribus et cladibus insigniretur, poscebatur ore vulgi dux Agricola: comparantibus cunctis vigorem, constantiam et expertum bellis animum cum inertia et formidine ceterorum.

Then stept a gallant Squire forth, Witherington was his Name, Who said, I would not have it told To Henry our King for Shame, That e'er my Captain fought on Foot, And I stood looking on. We meet with the same Heroic Sentiments in Virgil. Non pudet, O Rutuli, cunctis pro talibus unam Objectare animam? numerone an viribus aequi Non sumus ... ?

While we sat within the circle, many people, of both sexes, passed through, kissing the iron cross which stands in the centre, thereby gaining an indulgence of seven years, I believe. In front of several churches I have seen an inscription in Latin, "INDULGENTIA PLENARIA ET PERPETUA PRO CUNCTIS MORTUIS ET VIVIS"; than which, it seems to me, nothing more could be asked or desired.

However, in another poem he acknowledges that there is nothing more beautiful than a good woman: In cunctis quae dante Deo concessa videntur Usibus humanis, nil pulchrius esse putamus, Nil melius muliere bona, etc. Migne, vol. 80, p. 307. The sentiment is more fully developed in another poem Migne, vol. 80, p. 307: Femina causa fuit humanae perditionis; Qua reparatur homo, femina causa fuit.

A Peculiar People By Pact For a "Peculiar people" the vulgar Latine hath, Peculium De Cunctis Populis: the English translation made in the beginning of the Reign of King James, hath, a "Peculiar treasure unto me above all Nations;" and the Geneva French, "the most precious Jewel of all Nations." But the truest Translation is the first, because it is confirmed by St.

The tenor of these letters were scarslie read, but euerie man with a lowd voice began to recite this psalme or hymne, Te Deum laudamus. This praier was vsed by the couent of S. Albons on the daie of his martyrdome. Thus cæca superstitionis Est facilísque via & cunctis iam cognita sæclis.

Then stept a gallant 'squire forth, Witherington was his name, Who said, "I would not have it told To Henry our king for shame, "That e'er my captain fought on foot, And I stood looking on." We meet with the same heroic sentiment in Virgil: Non pudet, O Rutuli, cunctis pro talibus unam Objectare animam? numerone an viribus aequi Non sumus? AEn. xii. 229

Over the western door-way is a mosaic of the Virgin with the following leonine and loyal distich beneath it: "Sponsa suae prolis, O Stella puerpera Solis, Pro cunctis ora, sed plus pro rege labora!"