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"Dame Glendinning," answered the monk, somewhat abruptly, when the good woman had finished her narrative, "I pray you, do you know the miller's daughter?" "Did I know Kate Happer?" replied the widow; "as well as the beggar knows his dish a canty quean was Kate, and a special cummer of my ain maybe twenty years syne."

"When she has clinkit hersell down that way, and faulded her arms, she winna speak a word, they say, for weeks thegither. And besides, to my thinking, her face is sair changed since we cam in. However, I'se try her ance mair to satisfy your honour. So ye canna keep in mind, cummer, that your auld mistress, the Countess Joscelin, has been removed?"

"Ay, cummer! but the very deil has turned as hard-hearted now as the Lord Keeper and the grit folk, that hae breasts like whinstane. They prick us and they pine us, and they pit us on the pinnywinkles for witches; and, if I say my prayers backwards ten times ower, Satan will never gie me amends o' them." "Did ye ever see the foul thief?" asked her neighbour.

Elspeth was unco clever in her young days, as I can mind right weel, but there was aye a word o' her no being that chancy. Ane suldna speak ill o' the dead mair by token, o' ane's cummer and neighbour but there was queer things said about a leddy and a bairn or she left the Craigburnfoot.

Gellie Duncan, the musician of the party, tripped on before, playing on her Jew's harp, and singing, "Cummer, go ye before, Cummer, go ye; Gif ye will not go before, Cummer, let me!" Arrived at the kirk, they paced around it withershins, that is, in reverse of the apparent motion of the sun. Dr. Fian then blew into the key-hole of the door, which opened immediately, and all the witches entered.

Speak to her, Edie try if you can make her recollect having sent you to Glenallan House." Edie rose accordingly, and, crossing the floor, placed himself in the same position which he had occupied during his former conversation with her. "I'm fain to see ye looking sae weel, cummer; the mair, that the black ox has tramped on ye since I was aneath your roof-tree."

And werena thae pleasant guests, think ye, to take up their quarters in ae woman's heart? I trow there was routh o' company." "But, cummer," continued the beggar, "it wasna the Countess of Glenallan I meant, but her son, him that was Lord Geraldin." "I mind it now," she said; "I saw him no that langsyne, and we had a heavy speech thegither.

And the player quean and her cummer hae possession o' the house, and guide a' things their ain gait, wae's me! Gin I suld hear onything anent your leddyship's puir negro folk, I will mak' haste to let your leddyship ken. Auld Cuthbert begs permission to send his duty and his prayers for your leddyship's happiness.

"Ay, truly, cummer; and as poor Oliver often mistook friends for enemies while he was in life, his judgment cannot be thought to have mended now."

But he was surprised when, the instant he stepped over the threshold, the gossips, who were busied with the dead body, stinted suddenly in their song, while one said to the others: "In God's name, who entered? That was a large gout of blood." "Not so," said another voice, "it is a drop of the liquid balm." "Nay, cummer, it was blood. Again I say, who entered the house even now?"