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The duodenum proceeded from the depression marking the lesser arch of the organ midway between the cardiac orifice and the right extremity. Crooks speaks of a case in which the stomach of an infant terminated in a culdesac. Hernia of the stomach is not uncommon, especially in diaphragmatic or umbilical deficiency.

Bodinier and Lusk report instances of the delivery of an extrauterine fetus by the vagina; and Mathieson relates the history of the delivery of a living ectopic child by the vagina, with recovery of the mother. Gordon speaks of a curious case in a negress, six months pregnant, in which an extrauterine fetus passed down from the posterior culdesac and occluded the uterus.

The sabre used is usually very blunt and of rounded edges, or if sharp, a guiding tube of thin metal is previously swallowed. The explanation of these exhibitions is as follows: The instrument enters the mouth and pharynx, then the esophagus, traverses the cardiac end of the stomach, and enters the latter as far as the antrum of the pylorus, the small culdesac of the stomach.

Entirely separate organs, as in Winckel's case. Prolapsus or displacement of the ovaries into the culdesac of Douglas, the vaginal wall, or into the rectum can be readily ascertained by the resulting sense of nausea, particularly in defecation or in coitus.

Brentano describes an infant dying ten days after birth whose esophagus was divided into two portions, one terminating in a culdesac, the other opening into the bronchi; the left kidney was also displaced downward. Blasius describes an anomalous case of duplication of the esophagus. Grashuys, and subsequently Vicq d'Azir, saw a dilatation of the esophagus resembling the crop of a bird.

In a case reported by Bailey a middle-aged woman, while sliding down a hay-stack, struck directly upon a pitchfork handle which entered the vagina; the whole weight of the woman was successfully maintained by the cellular tissue of the uterovaginal culdesac.

Hart dissected the stomach of a woman of thirty which resembled the stomach of a predaceous bird, with patches of tendon on its surface. The right extremity instead of continuously contracting ended in a culdesac one-half as large as the greater end of the stomach.

Wordsworth reports a case in which a foreign body was deeply imbedded in the orbit for six weeks, and was removed with subsequent recovery. Chisholm has seen a case in which for five weeks a fly was imbedded in the culdesac between the lower lid and the eyeball. Foreign bodies are sometimes contained in the eyeball for many years.

A postmortem showed the abdominal cavity to be full of blood; at Douglas' culdesac there was a tear large enough to admit a man's hand, through which protruded a portion of the omentum; this was at first taken for the membranes of an abortion. There were distinct signs of acute peritonitis.

It lay behind the stump of the amputated cervix, in the culdesac of Douglas. The patient died of hemorrhage. Croston reports a case of Cesarean section on a primipara of twenty-four at full term, with the delivery of a double female monster weighing 12 1/2 pounds.