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It was the same eternal story, the same terrible two-edged weapon, "Cujus reggio ejus religio," found in the arsenal of the first Reformers, and in every politico-religious arsenal of history. "By an eternal decree of God," said Gomarus in accordance with Calvin, "it has been fixed who are to be saved and who damned.

"Cujus regio ejus religio;" to the prince the choice of religion, to the subject conformity with the prince, as if that formula of shallow and selfish princelings, that insult to the dignity of mankind, were the grand result of a movement which was to go on centuries after they had all been forgotten in their tombs. For the time however it was a valid and mischievous maxim.

"`So when they call upon the Lord in their trouble' `Cujus jurare timent et fallere nomen' `He delivereth them out of their distress, for he makest the storm to cease, so that the waves thereof are still; yea, still and smooth as the peaceful water which now floweth rapidly by our anchored vessel yet it appeareth to me that the scene hath changed.

Cujus merito quis nos sacerdotes appellat: justitiam namque colimus, et boni et aequi notitiam profitemur, aequum ab iniquo separantes, licitum ab illicito discernentes,... veram, nisi fallor, philosophiam, non simulatam affectantes.... Juris praecepta sunt haec: honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere." cf.

It was the same eternal story, the same terrible two-edged weapon, "Cujus reggio ejus religio," found in the arsenal of the first Reformers, and in every politico- religious arsenal of history. "By an eternal decree of God," said Gomarus in accordance with Calvin, "it has been fixed who are to be saved and who damned.

Deserta in ea sunt, Lempta, Hair, Zuenziga, Zanhaga a singulis opidis cognominibus, adpellata. Regna Targa, Bardoa et Gaoga, itidem ab opidis dicta. Sarra desertum. Continuatur huic regioni versus Meridiem Sarra, cujus longitudo a regno Gaoga ad regnum Gualata extenditur. Nigrita.

He published a book against Spinoza, entitled: Enervatio Tractatus Theologico-politici, una cum demonstratione geometrico ordine disposita, Naturam non esse Deum, cujus effati contrario praedictus Tractatus unice innititur.

I take the writing, as far as the signature, to have been in Latin, and this is my guesswork rendering: the reader may perhaps improve upon it: In hac arca depositi sunt nummi tria millia et quingenti qui pertinent ad hanc Missionem de Sancto Fernando, in cujus finibus ad cautelam ob latrocinia hoc litore a piratis commissa haec arca abscondita est. Francisco Ybarra. Oct. 1824.

Tertium est fertilitas locorum ipsius provinciae, cujus pinguedo allicit barbaros et externos in praedam. Quartum est invidia, quae viget in cordibus ipsorum incolarum.

But there is courage in the letter, too, when he tells his correspondent what he believes to have been the cause of the coldness of which he complains: "Quod verere ne cujus animum offenderes" "Because you fear lest you should give offence to some one." But let me tell you, he goes on to say, that my Consulship has been of such a nature that you, Scipio, as you are, must admit me as your friend.