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The dark spots would have existed all the same." "You could have seen them afterward. It makes all the difference whether one sees darkness through the light, or brightness through the shadows." "A clear eye is the best. Tormance is an ugly world, and I greatly prefer to know it as it really is." "The devil made it ugly, not Crystalman. These are Crystalman's thoughts, which you see around you.

"I once heard it called 'Crystalman's face." "Why not? We are all daughters and sons of Crystalman. It is doubtless the family resemblance." "It has also been told me that Surtur and Crystalman are one and the same." "You have wise and truthful acquaintances." "Then how could it have been Surtur whom I saw?" said Maskull, more to himself than to her.

"If those were Crystalman's thoughts that you showed me before, Gangnet, these must be his feelings. I mean it literally. What I am feeling now, he must have felt before me." "He is all feeling, Maskull don't you understand that?" Maskull was feeding greedily on the spectacle before him; he did not reply. His face was set like a rock, but his eyes were dim with the beginning of tears.

"No, that's impossible," replied Maskull reflectively. "It was Crystalman. And it isn't a question of my suspecting it I know it." "How?" "Because this is Crystalman's world, and Surtur's world is something quite different." "That's queer, then," said Polecrab.

"Why do you insist on this simile?" he asked. "Because it is apropos. Nightspore's quite right. That was Crystalman's face, and we are going to Crystalman's country." "And where is this mysterious country?" "Tormance." "That's a quaint name. But where is it?" Krag grinned, showing his yellow teeth in the light of the street lamp. "It is the residential suburb of Arcturus."

"There is the drumming," he exclaimed. "Do you understand it, or have you forgotten?" "I half understand it, but I'm all confused." "It's evident Crystalman has dug his claws into you pretty deeply," said Krag. "The sound comes from Muspel, but the rhythm is caused by its travelling through Crystalman's atmosphere.

Suddenly, without seeing or hearing anything, he had the distinct impression that the darkness around him, on all four sides, was grinning.... As soon as that happened, he understood that he was wholly surrounded by Crystalman's world, and that Muspel consisted of himself and the stone tower on which he was sitting..

Nightspore could no longer see his companion. The water lapped gently against the side of the island raft. "You say the night is past," said Nightspore. "But the night is still here. Am I dead, or alive?" "You are still in Crystalman's world, but you belong to it no more. We are approaching Muspel." Nightspore felt a strong, silent throbbing of the air a rhythmical pulsation, in four-four time.

The multitude of blazing stars caused the sky to appear like a vast scroll of hieroglyphic symbols. Maskull felt oddly excited; he had a sense that something extraordinary was about to happen "What brought you to this house tonight, Krag, and what made you do what you did? How are we understand that apparition?" "That must have been Crystalman's expression on face," muttered Nightspore.

"The reason I ask is I've seen its afterglow, and it produced such violent sensations that a very little more would have proved too much." "Because the forces were evenly balanced. When you see Alppain itself, it will reign supreme, and there will be no more struggling of wills inside you." "And that, I may tell you beforehand, Maskull," said Krag, grinning, "is Crystalman's trump card."