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Whenever the old grotesque became metamorphosed into the new grotesque, it was in every case the direct work of the green atoms, trying to escape toward Muspel, but encountering immediate opposition. These subdivided sparks of living, fiery spirit were hopelessly imprisoned in a ghastly mush of soft pleasure.

"Can you find time to think of sunlight?" asked Corpang with a rough smile. "I love the sun, and perhaps I'm rather lacking in the spirit of a zealot." "Yet, for all that, you may get there before me." "Don't be bitter," said Maskull. "I'll tell you another thing. Muspel can't be willed, for the simple reason that Muspel does not concern the will. To will is a property of this world."

"You may be the stronger, but he is the mightier." "I am the stronger and the mightier. Crystalman's Empire is but a shadow on the face of Muspel. But nothing will be done without the bloodiest blows.... What do you mean to do?" Nightspore looked at him strangely. "Are you not Surtur, Krag?" "Yes." "Yes," said Nightspore in a slow voice, without surprise. "But what is your name on Earth?"

"Yes, Maskull?" "Perhaps in Muspel," he added thoughtfully. "What kind of life will that be?" "Surely we shall meet again. Love is too wonderful and mysterious a thing to remain uncompleted." She gave a slight shiver, and turned away from him. "This dream is untrue. Love is completed here." "How can that be, when sooner or later it is brutally interrupted by Fate?"

The moral combat was no mock one, no Valhalla, where warriors are cut to pieces by day and feast by night; but a grim death struggle in which what is worse than death namely, spiritual death inevitably awaited the vanquished of Muspel.... By what means could he hold back from this horrible war!

The oblong patch of light grew much bigger; it burned, fierce and wild. The darkness above, below, and on either side of it, began to shape itself into the semblance of a huge, black wall, without bounds. "Is that really a wall we are coming to?" "You will soon find out. What you see is Muspel, and that light is the gate you have to enter." Nightspore's heart beat wildly.

Teargeld was now in the south-west. Maskull lifted Sullenbode's dead body on to his shoulders, and started to walk toward the Pass. He cared no more for Muspel. He intended to look for water in which to wash the corpse of his beloved, and earth in which to bury her.

The two suns were extinguished. The island was transformed into a cloud, and Maskull alone on it was floating through the atmosphere.... Down below, it was all fire the fire of Muspel. The light mounted higher and higher, until it filled the whole world.... He floated toward an immense perpendicular cliff of black rock, without top or bottom.

Muspel was no all-powerful Universe, tolerating from pure indifference the existence side by side with it of another false world, which had no right to be. Muspel was fighting for its life against all that is most shameful and frightful against sin masquerading as eternal beauty, against baseness masquerading as Nature, against the Devil masquerading as God.... Now he understood everything.

"There is the drumming," he exclaimed. "Do you understand it, or have you forgotten?" "I half understand it, but I'm all confused." "It's evident Crystalman has dug his claws into you pretty deeply," said Krag. "The sound comes from Muspel, but the rhythm is caused by its travelling through Crystalman's atmosphere.