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Like as not you'll lose votes for there's nothin' a man hates more than to hear the letter carrier ring his bell and go to the letter box ex pectin' to find a letter he was lookin' for, and find only a lot of printed politics. I met a man this very mornin' who told me he voted the Democratic State ticket last year just because the Republicans kept crammin' his letter box with campaign documents.

See the goney, how his pencil is a leggin' it off, for dear life. Oh, there is great fun in crammin' those fellers. "Now tell me candid, Squire; do you think there is no prejudice in the Britishers agin us and our free and enlightened country, when they can swaller such stuff as the Gougin' School and Black Stole?" "There is more in that story, Squire," said Mr.

My Mammy always wore and ole petticoat full gather at de waist band wid long pockets in dem and den to keep peace in de house she would turn de pocket wrong side out jes as she would go to somebodys elses house. "I sho do no dar is ghosts, I seed one oncet hit was a man wid no head on standin in my house and pullin the crammin out of de house and puttin hit on de table.

"I told him he was a wicked man, and he didn't like it because it's true," replied Jerome, in a loud voice, trying to pull away. "Hush up," whispered Jake, with a half-whimsical, half-uneasy nod of his head towards the door; "look out how you talk. He'll be out and crammin' blue-pills and assafoetidy into your mouth first thing you know. Don't you go to sassin' of your betters."

'Och! bad luck to me, says the divil, 'but the likes of this I never seen, says he, 'far and near, up and down the dickens a room I ever kem across afore, says he, 'I couldn't cram while a cook would be crammin' a turkey, till now; and here I am, says he, 'losin' my whole day, and I with such a power o' work an my hands yit, and this room no fuller than five minutes ago.

* Michaelmas is here jocularly alluded to as that period of the year when geese are fattest. "So fat, yer Reverence, that they're not able to wag; but, any way, Katty has them marked for you two fine young crathurs, only this year's fowl, and the ducks isn't a taste behind them she crammin' them this month past."

Jock instantly leaped to his feet for he was on his knees, most earnestly engaged in plunkin, at the moment and, crammin a handfu o' bools into his pocket, was, in a twinklin, before me; when, wipin his nose wi' the sleeve o' his jacket, and looking up in my face as he spoke "What's yer wull, sir?" said Jock. "Do ye ken Mr. Barton's, Jock?" said I. "Brawly, sir," replied Jock.

See the goney, how his pencil is a leggin' it off, for dear life. Oh, there is great fun in crammin' those fellers. "Now tell me candid, Squire; do you think there is no prejudice in the Britishers agin us and our free and enlightened country, when they can swaller such stuff as the Gougin' School and Black Stole?" "There is more in that story, Squire," said Mr.

Dat ole Grammont, he got to git he gab in ef he gwine die fu’ it,” interrupted Aunt Belindy. “Grégor say ‘I don’t ’lows to kiarr no conceal’ weepons,’ an he draw nudda pistol slow out o’ he udda pocket an’ lay et on de table. By dat time he gittin’ all de money, he crammin’ de money in he pocket; an’ dem fellas dey gits up one arta d’udda kine o’ shy-like, an’ sneaks out.

"Done wid it!" echoed the Magpie, with a short laugh. "Wot do youse t'ink! He's been luggin' it home to his swell joint up dere on de avenoo, an' crammin' his safe full of it." Larry the Bat sucked in his breath. "Gee, dat's soft!" he murmured, and then suddenly, as though with painful inspiration: "Say, Slimmy say, are youse sure youse ain't been handed a steer?" The Magpie grinned wickedly.