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It has been suggested, that slight differences in these organs would suffice to prevent the intercrossing of well-marked varieties or incipient species, and would thus aid in their development. Ent. Mr. Ent. Aug. 'The Practical Entomologist, Philadelphia, vol. ii. Mr. 'Modern Classification of Insects, vol. ii. 1840, pp. 205, 206. Mr. Crabro cribrarius.

Courtship, greater eagerness of males in; of fishes; of birds. Cow, winter change of colour. Crab, devil. Crab, shore, habits of. Crabro cribrarius, dilated tibiae of the male. Crabs, proportions of the sexes in. Cranz, on the inheritance of dexterity in seal-catching. Crawfurd, on the number of species of man. Crenilabrus massa and C. melops, nests, built by. Crest, origin of, in Polish fowls.

Thrush, pairing with a blackbird; colours and nidification of the. Thrushes, characters of young. Thug, remorse of a. Thumb, absence of, in Ateles and Hylobates. Thury, M., on the numerical proportion of male and female births among the Jews. Thylacinus, possession of the marsupial sac by the male. Thysanura. Tibia, dilated, of the male Crabro cribrarius.

'And I will tell you what I saw, said Phyllis; 'I was picking up apples, and the wasps were flying all round, and there came a hornet. 'Vespa Crabro! cried Maurice; 'oh, I must have one! 'Well, what of the hornet? said Mr. Mohun. 'I'll tell you what, resumed Phyllis, 'he saw a wasp flying, and so he went up in the air, and pounced on the poor wasp as the hawk did on Jane's bantam.