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And while they may not be wearing attics in New York, we haven't taken them off in Winnebago. Come on up to your room, dear. It looks bare. If I'd known you were coming the slip covers " "Are they in the box in the attic labelled 'Slp Cov Pinky Rm'?" She succeeded in slurring it ludicrously. It brought an appreciative giggle from Mrs. Brewster.

"Drp Stud Win," said one; "Sum Slp Cov Bedrm," another; "Toil. Set & Pic Frms." Mrs. Brewster turned to her husband, almost shamefacedly, and yet with a little air of defiance. "It I don't know it made me not homesick, Hosey. Not homesick, exactly; but well, I guess I'm not the only woman with a walnut streak in her modern make-up. Here's the woman she came to the door with her hat on, and yet "

"A big, opinionated ramrod of a Scotchman who'd drive any girl to break her engagement a dozen times if she had promised as often as that." Mrs. Stanton relaxed in her chair and sighed with relief. "Oh, from what she said about him But no matter! I think you do know men very well, Cov! I'll do no more worrying where he's concerned. Forgive me for advising you so emphatically."

Yet they appear to have been strangely neglected in their education; good-humoured and good-natured undoubtedly, but little better than hoydens after all. Lord Down met Lord and Lady Coventry at Calais, and offered to send her ladyship a tent-bed, for fear of bugs at the inn. "Oh dear!" said she, "I had rather be bit to death than lie one night from my dear Cov."

Come on up to your room, dear. It looks bare. If I'd known you were coming the slip covers " "Are they in the box in the attic labeled 'Slp Cov Pinky Rum'?" She succeeded in slurring it ludicrously. It brought an appreciative giggle from Mrs. Brewster. A giggle need not be inconsistent with fifty years, especially if one's nose wrinkles up delightfully in the act.

Brewster and you who have owned an attic. Thus "H's Fshg Tckl" jabberwocked one long slim box. Another stunned you with "Cur Ted Slpg Pch." A cabalistic third hid its contents under "Slp Cov Pinky Rm." To say nothing of such curt yet intriguing fragments as "Blk Nt Drs" and "Sun Par Val."

She began to tremble, and Speed laid a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "I think you must be exciting yourself unduly," said he, "Jean's other friends didn't come. There's nobody due now but Culver Cov " "That's who it is!" Roberta raised her pallid face as the young man fell back. "Culver! Great Scott! Why, he's engaged " "What!" "Nothing! I I " Speed paused, at an utter loss for words.

"He that wrongs his friend, Wrongs himself more; and ever bears about A silent court of justice in his breast; Himself the judge and jury, and himself The prisoner at the bar, ever condemned. And that drags down his life." How easy to keep free from sin, How hard that freedom to recall! For dreadful truth it is, that men Forget the heavens from which they fall. Cov. Patmore.

My brother has an insatiable mania for laying bets with sporting young men that he can fondle any set of luxuriant whiskers without giving the wearer cause for offense." Coventry answered his sister's call with promptitude. "I'll keep you only a moment from your whisker-parterres, Cov! When you go back into that downstairs garden please give some of those beards a good hard yank for my sake."

Her rival smiled and told it. 'Then you are older than I but how long have you been married? This, too, her rival told her. 'Then, sighed the Gunning, 'perhaps you do not love your lord as I love my Cov. It is wearing to the looks; but 'faith, I cannot help it!" From Lisbon Sir Oliver paid several flying visits to England, where his suit against Lady Caroline still dragged.