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"D'yo' mean," he asked after a pause, "the Thirty-nine Articles o' Religion, as is in th' Prayerbuk? I ha' tried to read 'em, but couldno' understand 'em reet." Rowlatt, who had not expected his facetious query to be so answered, stopped his drawing for a moment. "What in the name of goodness attracted you to the Thirty-nine Articles?" "I wanted to learn about things," said Paul.

But Louie's mouth was conveniently occupied with a bull's-eye, and she only sucked it the more vigorously in answer. 'Why, yo little silly, if it worn't for that we couldno ha no leet. They'd see us from t' fields even, as soon as it's real dark. 'Doan't bleeve it, said Louie, laconically, in a voice much muffled by bull's-eyes. 'Wal, yo needn't; I'm gooin to have my tea.

He listened another few seconds, then he dropped his hand sharply. 'What's 'at yo're sayin? he asked hastily; ''at yo couldno help it, not whativer that i' truth yo had nothin to do wi't, no moor than mysel that yo wor forcit to it willy-nilly by them devils o' Parliament foak by Mr.

He couldno riddle through wi lees; I kept him to 't, as yo mun keep a horse to a jump straight an tight. I had it aw out about Strafford, an t'Five Members, an thoose dirty dealins wi th' Irish devils! Yo should ha yerd it, Davy yo should, I'll uphowd yo! And placing his stick between his knees, the old man leant his hands upon it, with a meditative and judicial air.